Re: Running glassfish in foreground?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 14:21:52 -0700

Scott Oaks wrote On 07/27/06 14:14,:

>asadmin start-domain --verbose
>This is particularly useful if you want to send a kill -3 signal
>(CTRL-BREAK on windows) to see a stack trace, as that output is
>otherwise lost (depending on the state of the used to be
>lost, then it was fixed, then it was lost, and I'm not sure of it's
>state right now
It's not working with the latest 9.1 build, which is why I had filed
("-XX:+PrintClassHistogram" and SIGQUIT have no effect in default start
last week when I ran into this.


>On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 17:08, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>Would it be possible to run Glassfish in the foreground (as opposed to
>>work like a daemon, which is what happens when I do "asadmin start-domain")?
>>In other words, I'd like to do the equivalent of " run" with
>>Glassfish. I can see the console that way (presumably where I can
>>configure logs to be sent) and I can kill it simply with Ctrl+C.
>>Kohsuke Kawaguchi
>>Sun Microsystems
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