9.0 UR1 bugswat

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:30:48 -0700

Hi All

The joyful bugswat meetings will restart tomorrow Wednesday 7/12 at noon
to talk about the 65 issues remaining. If you own any of these bugs,
please come or call or get yourself represented as I would like to get
an idea when bugs will be fixed in the UR1 branch.

For reference, all UR1 information is at

All P2s should be fixed this week.

I have attached the issue tracker and the bugster lists to this email.

*Toll Free Dial In Number:* (866)545-5223
*Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:* (865)673-9887
*ACCESS CODE:* 5789900

Thanks, Jerome

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Issue list (13 issues found)

Tue Jul 11 19:31:23 +0000 2006
ID Type Pri Plat Owner State Resolution Summary
141 DEFECT P3 All jluehe NEW default war access give white page on war redeploy
178 DEFECT P3 All sheetalv NEW managed connection factory resource adapter association may
512 DEFECT P3 PC vijaysr NEW interface javax.persistence.OneToMany is not visible from cl
541 DEFECT P3 Macintos vr127953 NEW access log rotation value is really for some other logging a
555 DEFECT P3 All guypelletier NEW TopLink is incorrectly defaulting to OneToMany relationship
556 DEFECT P3 All tware NEW Spec Violation: TopLink expects my collection field/property
591 DEFECT P3 All dochez STARTE XML Catalog - Client Use Case
621 DEFECT P2 All vijaysr STARTE WSDL file locking again at redeploy time (and on Solaris)
649 DEFECT P2 All vijaysr RESOLV FIXE Server get stopped during processing webservices
692 DEFECT P2 All swchan2 RESOLV FIXE The JDBCRealm with roles does not work
713 DEFECT P3 All tware RESOLV FIXE Handling of non-file protocol URL in Toplink Essential
751 DEFECT P2 Linux dochez NEW i18n - web service with mbyte name cannot be tested/accessed
752 DEFECT P1 Linux dochez NEW Cannot deploy WS created from WSDL that imports another WSDL

13 issues found

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Bugs targeted for UR1
Bugs targeted for UR1

#    RM              RE              CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6413174-M dis   3W javax.ejb.EJBException occurs when execute jaxrpc managementws sample                                
2    alan.sommerer   chinmayee.sriva sunone_app/docs  4  6401284   def  16W IT 439 : add-resources example uses wrong doctype?                                                   
3    alan.sommerer   eric.jendrock   sunone_app/docs  3  6440025   dis   3W Incorrect deploy-url-message for helloservice-basicauth javaeetutorial5 application                  
4    alan.sommerer   hanan.lang      sunone_app/docs  3  6409179   fun  13W IT 541 : access log rotation value is really for some other logging attribute...                     
5    alan.sommerer   ian.evans       sunone_app/docs  3  6429748   fip   6W The client output is not displayed.                                                                  
6    alan.sommerer   vipin.rajan     sunone_app/docs  3  6425380   dis   8W Help topic "Editing the certificate Realm" has missing xref                                
7    alan.sommerer   vipin.rajan     sunone_app/docs  4  6417782   acc  11W OLH management rules page for monitor event needs changes                                            
8    alan.sommerer   vipin.rajan     sunone_app/docs  4  6419836   acc  10W Online Help:File Not found - wrong help page appears when click Monitoring Help                      
9    anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/web_s 3  6380634-M dis   3W Unpublish does not completely remove service endpoint sub-components from a server                   
10   anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/web_s 3  6417938-M dis   3W WSDL file and external link missing if publish a SSL service                                         
11   anil.gaur       satish.viswanat sunone_app/web_s 2  6409443-M fun   3W Test page in Web Services is not working for WS with SSL                                             
12   anil.gaur       satish.viswanat sunone_app/web_s 4  6345207   fip  35W Statistic data does not acummulate values if monitor config level change from HIGH -> LOW         
13   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6403250-M dis   3W CNP SDK - After in-place upgrade, the previous "Application Server PE" group link still ex 
14   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 4  6052697   fun  24M Installer interpret 'null' tmpdir when temp directory is set to a drive like D:                      
15   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/web_s 4  6418025   dis  10W Security Monitoring statistics and messages data doesn't match after a run                           
16   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/web_s 4  6419258   dis  10W Should have a text tip for Action field in monitor message                                           
17   eliot.morrison  ken.cavanaugh   sunone_app/orb   2  6404139-M dis   3W Tests failed when security manager is enabled  - access denied                                       
18   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6419949   ckn  10W IT 557 : StringIndexOutOfBoundException in .MetadataHelper.getAttributeNameFromMethodName            
19   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6419973   ckn  10W IT 609 : Java2DB generated FK column type does not match corresponding PK                            
20   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6419977   ckn  10W IT 620 : Java2db does not create Foreign key constraints                                             
21   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 4  6419955   ckn  10W IT 571 : Static methods that do lazy initialization are not thread safe.                             
22   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 4  6419964   ckn  10W IT 594 : problem occurs when fetching lazily a ManyToOne relationship                                
23   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 4  6419970   ckn  10W IT 604 : Optionality of PrimaryKeyJoinColumns in an entity hierarchy with composite PK and JOINED i  
24   eliot.morrison  mitesh.meswani  sunone_app/entit 3  6425890-M acc   3W LOCATE is not a valid mssql function causing ejb30 failures                                          
25   eliot.morrison  mitesh.meswani  sunone_app/entit 3  6429479   acc   6W CTS: queryTest46 fails on Sybase with: Invalid operator for datatype op: is null type: VOID TYPE.    
26   eliot.morrison  mitesh.meswani  sunone_app/entit 3  6434626-M acc   3W DB2 appears to need typed parameter markers in prepared statements                                   
27   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/cmp   3  6436861-M dis   3W Support lock-when-loaded for DB2                                                                     
28   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/entit 3  6432438-M dis   3W using IMAGE as a datatype causes failures in CTS running with mssqlserver                            
29   jim.driscoll sunone_app/web_c 4  6419971   fun  10W IT 607 : Unable to add property to http-listener                                                     
30   jim.driscoll    -               sunone_app/web_c 3  6275632-M dis   3W AS9.0EE: By default accessLogWriterInterval should be set to 0                                       
31   jim.driscoll    -               sunone_app/web_c 3  6415247-M dis   3W [Performance] Allocate ByteBuffer per Thread instead of per Request object.                          
32   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/web_s 2  6446954-M fun   4D Sometimes Java EE Service Engine doesnt resolve the wsdl operation name correctly.                   
33   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 2  6419362-M dis   3W 100% cpu taken by loggers of managment rule                                                          
34   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6417753-M dis   3W NPE when disable individual management rule                                                          
35   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6417797-M dis   3W changing monitor attribute in management rule requires server restart                                
36   sridatta.viswan anissa.lam      sunone_app/admin 4  6419946   acc  10W IT 549 : configuring MySql datasource uses invalid property names                                    
37   srikanth.ananda chinmayee.sriva sunone_app/upgra 4  6405561   acc  14W ambiguous wording for directory from asupgrade command line                                          
38   srikanth.ananda jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jca   2  6411207-M dis   3W 9.0PE:B43:Memory growth                                                                              
39   srikanth.ananda kshitiz.saxena  sunone_app/jca   3  6418484-M ckn  12D GenericJMSRA: Overriding properties in the admin-object does not work                                
40   srikanth.ananda prasad.subraman sunone_app/packa 2  6409705   ckn  13W copy indexStandAlone.html as index.html in SUNWasu package                                           
41   srikanth.ananda prasad.subraman sunone_app/upgra 3  6406691   ckn  14W upgrade tool hangs in upgrding a functioning 6 domains of 8.2pe to 9.0pe b42                         
42   srikanth.ananda prasad.subraman sunone_app/upgra 3  6407292-M dis   8W port conflict under multi-domain upgrade for in place only 8.0pe -> 9.0pe                         
43   srikanth.ananda sanjeeb.sahoo   sunone_app/verif 3  6413301-M dis   3W the report for verifer is garbled when run on asian locale except UTF-8                              
44   srikanth.ananda satish.kumar    sunone_app/iplan 3  6431106   dis   6W ASMT 2.0: The servers supported in the tool do not match with doc list.                              
45   srikanth.ananda shreyas.kaushik sunone_app/web_s 3  6435999-M dis   4W JavaEE ServiceEngine throws an Exception when accessing large number of EJB's                        
46   srikanth.ananda shreyas.kaushik sunone_app/web_s 3  6436004-M dis   4W MessageContext is set to null when multiple servlets are invoked through the JavaEE ServiceEngine    
47   srikanth.ananda sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   2  6430394-M dis  14D Messages are lost when there is a n/w outage.                                                        
48         hong.zhang      sunone_app/deplo 3  6429484   acc   6W Appserver deployment API should pass deployment failure info to NetBeans plugin                      
49         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/deplo 2  6442489   acc  18D Fail to redeploy blue print Advanture Builder app, got cannot delete existing directory error        
50         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/deplo 3  6432561   acc   5W odd messages during redeploy from NetBeans                                                           
51         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 2  6403274-M dis   3W "xsd:include schemaLocation" in WSDL not being processed for wsimport command.             
52         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 2  6420765-M dis   3W application with @WebService servlet endpoint with @DeclareRoles cannot be deployed                  
53         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 2  6447691   dis    0 mtom soap12 based test with soap12 based wsdl is failing on appserver9 with exceptions               
54         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 4  6420868   fun   9W Not even warning is displayed for duplicate endpoint-address-uri for ejb endpoints                   
55         -               sunone_app/other 4  6419954   dis  10W IT 570 : unable to configure 2 or more http listeners with the same port but different ip address    

Generated on: Tue Jul 11 12:31:22 PDT 2006
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