Re: removing old builds

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:22:05 -0700

Err... disk space is REALLY cheap. Can't we just give them a new disk?

        - eduard/o

Carla Mott wrote:
> Hi,
> Diskspace on the download server is filling up and so we need
> to remove old builds. The plan is to keep milestone 7, archive the
> other milestone builds and remove the archived builds from the
> download server. You will have to ask for those builds if you need
> them and we can make them available.
> In addition we will try to keep a week's worth of nightly builds where
> currently we have over 2 weeks. I would also like to cut back on
> the number of promoted builds we keep. Can we get rid of the promoted
> builds from the main branch before the FCS branch was created? That's
> build 35 - 42.
> Note that we will have nightly and promoted builds for the v1_ur1 and v2
> branches.
> Any issues with this plan? I have also contacted the O'Reilly folks (they
> manage the server) to see about other options.
> thanks,
> Carla
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