Re: source bundle page

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 13:07:07 -0700

Hi Carla,

Carla Mott wrote On 04/13/06 11:48,:

> Jan Luehe wrote:
>> Hi Carla,
>> OK, I've managed to update the table. Thanks!
> Great.
>> Do you think it would be worthwhile keeping an integration history
>> log for each binary component, and be able to add a comment for
>> each integration with a description of what was changed (e.g., a
>> bug fix) that made the integration necessary?
> I can add a 'comments' field to the table. How does that sound?

That would work, but right now, the table only shows the most
recent build into which a component was integrated. It would be
great if we could keep a history of integrations for each component.

> BTW, you have the lock so let me know about these changes and I
> will take over the lock when I hear from you.

I'm no longer editing that page. How do I release the lock?


> carla
>> Jan
>>> Carla
>>> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>>> Carla,
>>>> Carla Mott wrote On 04/12/06 18:53,:
>>>>> There are still some entries that need information in the table
>>>>> (and I added more entries based on info from the license page).
>>>>> Lance,
>>>>> Do you integrate the javadb code?
>>>>> Sheetal,
>>>>> I know that you integrate the ORB code but it is not available yet
>>>>> on so please update the table with that info so people do
>>>>> go off looking for it.
>>>>> All,
>>>>> Who integrates the following? Please update the table.
>>>>> SAAJ
>>>>> JAX-RPC
>>>>> JAXR
>>>>> ant
>>>>> javahelp
>>>>> jakarta-help
>>>>> commons*
>>>> I'll update commons* once you've released the lock on the topic.
>>>> I will also expand commons* into its various components (one
>>>> row per component), since each comes with its own version number.
>>>> Jan
>>>>> NsSecurity
>>>>> JSR250-api
>>>>> imq
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Carla
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