Questions About JUnit tests (admin-cli)

From: Chris <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 13:26:52 -0600

Last night I was trying to run the JUnit test cases for the admin-cli module
as documented at
 under the heading 'Unit/Acceptance Tests'. I worked mostly with the
'admin-cli/commands' directory, however I could not build any of the tests.
The only requirement specified on the web page is to update the
javac.sourcevariable to
1.5 and make sure that junit.jar was correctly configured. I did both and
still could not get the test cases to build. Upon closer inspection of the
commandsbuild.xml file it looks like xercesImpl.jar needs to be included
(found it in ant\lib) as well as JCov references. I was unable to
successfully configure it myself so I was wondering if anyone out there had
any input on this issue or if you had a copy of working ant file that builds
JUnit tests?
