Hi Chris,
Chris wrote:
> Amy,
> I have been browsing the Issues list and was wondering what the
> procedure is to grab an issue and work on it? I see a lot of issues
> listed as 'started', but how am I to know that no one is working on
> the ones marked 'new'? Am I correct in assuming that once I've fixed
> a bug I am to attach it to the specific issue list? Does this notify
> the module owner?
Issues have 'assigned-to' engineer field which is initially set
according to the subcomponent owner and might be changed later following
issue details and assignment.
Issues marked as 'new' generally might not have been started by the
assigned engineers whereas 'started' issues have fixes in progress. It
is always a good idea to contact the assigned engineer to inquire more
about the progress of the particular issue so that both you and the
assigned developer can share information.
More info on submitting patch is documented at
Yes, you are to attach a patch to the specified issue so that the
assigned engineer or the module owner can review the patch and apply
when it is appropriate.
> Also, on the issue list I see that the list of subcomponents doesn't
> match all the glassfish cvs components - for example, the appserver-*
> directories are all under cvs but nothing is listed in the
> subcomponent list on the webpage. Is there a document showing how the
> modules relate with the subcomponents?
Not all cvs components have subcomponents in Issue Tracker since it's
not 1 to 1 relation between cvs directory and subcomponent. You can
find more info on subcomponents at
I'm also Ccing the email to dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net so the community
can get to know you and your desire to participate.
> Thanks,
> Chris