Re: source page

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 16:18:07 -0700

Dinesh Patil wrote:

It is a binary dependency but the question is how does one get the
source to that binary that is in GlassFish.

Information I want in the table is what someone needs to get to the source
that is not in GlassFish workspace under For
example, if there is a bug in JSF and the developer wants to see the code
then how does he get it? Ideally, he goes to the table and looks up JSF,
goes to the project and checks out the workspace using the appropriate
tag (listed in the table) and he has the source that was compiled, bundled
and integrated into GlassFish.

If there is a bug in "third party code" then we should be able to point to at
least a build that we got from the appropriate web site. If the providers of
that bundle don't have the source post or available then there is nothing we
can do. We should know what we integrated, when we did it and where we got it.

The issue may be the column header of 'tag name' and we can change it to
something that is more appropriate and applies to other workspaces. You
are right that the appropriate value is not a tag name always.

If there are things on the list that appear in the glassfish workspace
then we should remove them from the list because they are in the source
bundle that we post.


> just wanted to clarify what are we trying to put the information here..
> As i see binary dependencies for which we don't have or own the source
> for this.. Also even if we have the tag information, how can user get
> access to it, its different repository etc..
> javadb derby database
> appserv-native we have sources in glassfish so this is covered in
> other table we were discussing
> nss-util binary dependency NSS
> NSsecurity binary dependnency NSS
> genericra
> genericra: is the resource adapter.
> jakarta-regexp
> javahelp
> I don't have info on above as we have sources for this or not.
> thanks
> Dinesh
> Carla Mott wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> There have been several questions about getting ALL the souce code for
>> GlassFish
>> recently. I started a page that lists the integrated components and
>> the cvs tag
>> needed to get the source for a coresponding drop. This is the info that
>> is needed to get the source of the component that is integrated into the
>> GlassFish workspace.
>> Integrators,
>> I tried going off the but think that I'm missing
>> components.
>> How many more bundles need to be added? Also I lumped the web
>> services in one
>> line since that's what I found in the file but not
>> sure if
>> that is correct.
>> Here is the table.
>> Please review the table and add missing entries.
>> Going forward this table will need to be updated with each integration to
>> include the build number in GlassFish where the code was integrated
>> and the
>> cvs tag in the home repository used to create the bundle.
>> Thanks,
>> carla

Carla Mott
Sun Microsystems