integrated JavaMail 1.4

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:25:14 -0800

I've just integrated what I hope is the final version of JavaMail 1.4 into
the GlassFish workspace. The integration includes a few bugs fixes, some
doc improvements, and one new feature - support for parsing Delivery Status
Notification messages. This DSN support isn't included in the GlassFish
build, but is available in the standalone JavaMail release.

In the standalone JavaMail release DSN support is in a separate jar file
that you can include explicitly in your class path if you want it. It's
not included by default because it introduces a change in behavior.
Because it adds explicit support for the MIME types message/delivery-status
and text/rfc822-headers, if you fetch the content of message parts of those
types, you'll get back new types of objects instead of the InputStream you
got back previously. Because this might break some existing applications,
you have to request support for these new types explicitly by including
dsn.jar in your class path.

Quick Look tests passed with this new version, but if you notice any problems
let me know.
