Re: The Issue with getEntityManager on Glassfish

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:03:38 -0500

Kevin Yuan wrote:

> Hello,
> I am Oracle employee in Ottawa. I have defined <persistence-unit-ref>
> in ejb-jar.xml, just like the following (part of ejb-jar.xml):
> <enterprise-beans>
> <session>
> <ejb-name>ServerSideTestHelper</ejb-name>
> <home>oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.ejb.testframework.ServerSideTestHelperHome</home>
> <remote>oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.ejb.testframework.ServerSideTestHelper</remote>
> <ejb-class>oracle.toplink.essentials.testing.ejb.testframework.ServerSideTestHelperBean</ejb-class>
> <session-type>Stateless</session-type>
> <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
> <persistence-unit-ref>
> <persistence-unit-ref-name>persistence/myPersistenceUnit</persistence-unit-ref-name>
> <persistence-unit-name>ejb30_Advanced</persistence-unit-name>
> </persistence-unit-ref>
> </session>
> </enterprise-beans>
> But when I try getEntityManager using this persistence-unit-ref-name
> to lookup, I got *javax.naming.NameNotFoundException*. The following
> are segment of my code:
> public EntityManager getEntityManager(){
> EntityManager em;
> if (this.entityManager == null){
> try{
> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
> this.entityManager =
> ((EntityManagerFactory)ctx.lookup("persistence/myPersistenceUnit")).getEntityManager();

Hi Kevin,

When using InitialContext() within a Java EE component, all component
dependencies are looked up relative to the component naming environment,
java:comp/env. So, this should be


You can avoid having to perform an explicit JNDI lookup by using an
annotation :

private @PersistenceUnit(unitName="ejb30_Advanced") EntityManagerFactory


> }catch (NamingException ex){
> throw new TestException("Unable to look Up
> EnityManager :" + ex.toString());
> }
> }
> return this.entityManager;
> }
> Would you mind to point me if I could getEntityManager like the above?
> Thanks a lot,
> Kevin