Re: how does glassfish process _at_WebService annotation ??

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 10:34:18 -0600

Hi, Mark.

Mark Hansen wrote:
> Cool. Is this type of registration of an ad-hoc module with the
> servlet container something that is Glassfish-specific, or are all
> Java EE containers required to support the registration of ad-hoc
> modules (independently of whether or not they are use for ws deployment).
We agree it's pretty cool, and this behavior is not required by the spec.

- Tim
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> Hi Mark
>> I see you are getting deep now...
>> So we don't "deploy" the EjbWebServiceServlet, it is registered at
>> runtime when we start the ejb endpoint. The webservice engine
>> provides notification when endpoints are created and deleted (look
>> into
>> appserv-commons/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/webservice/monitoring,
>> implementation is in appserv-core). The
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.EjbWebServiceRegistryListener picks up these
>> notification and register the servlet context root and tunnel all
>> incoming request to the endpoint implementation
>> (registerAdHocPathAndSubtree method).
>> Jerome
>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>> Where/how is EjbWebServiceServlet deployed when you deploy an EJB
>>> endpoint. I can see how in the servlet case, a web.xml gets
>>> generated to deploy the JAXWSServlet. But, in the EJB case, I do
>>> not see any such deployment happening in the
>>> gf_home/domains/domain1/generated/xml/j2ee-modules/<module-name>
>>> area. Nor do I see any evidence of a EjbWebServiceServlet deployed
>>> when I look at the Server Admin Console.
>>> Thanks for any help on this,
>>> Mark
>>> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>>>> For a servlet endpoint : All requests are routed through
>>>> JAXWSServlet (for JAXWS endpoints) or JAXRPCServlet (for JAXRPC
>>>> endpoints). The code is @
>>>> appserv-core/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/webservice. At the time of
>>>> deployment, we generate a web.xml which does this redirection of a
>>>> request to the endpoint to this JAXWSServlet / JAXRPCServlet. You
>>>> will see this if you deploy a WAR with servlet endpoint and checjk
>>>> gf_home/domains/domain1/generated/xml/j2ee-modules/<module-name>/WEB-INF/*.xml
>>>> For EJB endpoints : The requests come to
>>>> appserv-core/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/webservice/EjbWebServiceServlet
>>>> and from there we get the proper EjbMessageDispatcher to pass it on
>>>> to the appropriate endpoint
>>>> Hope this given you an idea
>>>> Vijay
>>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying to understand what is getting deployed that actually
>>>>> receives the SOAP messages at the web service's endpoint URL. My
>>>>> understanding is that this must be a servlet. So, I am assuming
>>>>> that the container generates a servlet wrapper for the @WebService
>>>>> annotated class and that the servlet is deployed at the endpoint
>>>>> URL, receives the SOAP messages on HttpRequests, and then passes
>>>>> the SOAP message to some kind of context creator, that then hands
>>>>> the context off to the protocol binding associated with the
>>>>> @WebService. Am I way off?
>>>>> -- Mark
>>>>> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>>>>>> I am not sure I understand your query. Can you please elaborate ?
>>>>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks. Very helpful.
>>>>>>> If it is a WAR being deployed, is a
>>>>>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet wrapper generated to send/receive
>>>>>>> SOAP over HTTP?
>>>>>>> -- Mark
>>>>>>> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>>>>>>>> Take a look at
>>>>>>>> appserv-commons/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/annotation/handlers/WebServiceHandler
>>>>>>>> During deployment of a service, all deployment descriptors (if
>>>>>>>> any) will be loaded and then the annotations are processed. On
>>>>>>>> seeing an @WebService, the annotation framework call
>>>>>>>> WebServiceHandler which processes the annotation. While
>>>>>>>> processing the annotation, we check if there a deployment desc
>>>>>>>> entry already available and if so, the annotation values will
>>>>>>>> not override the equivalent defined in the descriptor. At the
>>>>>>>> end of the annotation processing phase, we have all the
>>>>>>>> information required with which we generate WSDLs and other
>>>>>>>> portable artifacts (if not packaged).
>>>>>>>> Hope this helps
>>>>>>>> Vijay
>>>>>>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I'd like to better understand how Glassfish processes the
>>>>>>>>> @WebService
>>>>>>>>> annotation (and other JSR-181 annotations) to create and
>>>>>>>>> deploy an
>>>>>>>>> annotated class as a runnable web service. Can anyone suggest
>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>> packages/classes to start looking at? Could anyone maybe just
>>>>>>>>> sketch
>>>>>>>>> out how it works in general.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>> Mark
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