I have a glassfish workspace with only two modules - mail and activation,
plus bootstrap of course. I updated all the modules using "cvs update".
I then did "maven clean clobber bootstrap build". The build fails with:
[echo] ------------------------------
[echo] - Building GlassFish modules -
[echo] ------------------------------
[echo] Resolving cmp binary dependency
Starting the reactor...
File...... /cache/tmp/glassfish/glassfish/bootstrap/maven.xml
Element... maven:reactor
Line...... 69
Column.... 36
basedir /cache/tmp/glassfish/glassfish/cmp does not exist
Total time: 4 seconds
Finished at: Mon Mar 13 11:56:57 PST 2006
I don't have the cmp module and I don't want the cmp module.
What did I do wrong?
I know we had this conversation before about how to reliably update
an existing workspace to the latest version but I still didn't find
that information in the build instructions
or in the FAQ. Am I looking in the wrong place?