Question about SJSAS number of processes

From: Richard Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:37:34 -0800


[Let me know if I should be posting this/sending this elsewhere.]

I couldn't find anything on glassfish or google and thought you may
have some experience with this.

I'm running 8.1_02 SJSAS on several different Linux boxes: 3 debian,
and one Centos (2 are dev, and 2 are production). On two of the
debian boxes, the number of appserv processes is about 90 each (ps -
ef | grep appserv). After a while (days, weeks), what will happen is
I'll get a PermGen space error and have to reboot the server (or
box). In both cases, there are just the default http-server listeners
(8080 and 8081).

In the past, I've adjusted the app server's JVM as follows: -
XX:MaxPermSize=128m and -XX:PermSize=64m. Which helps, but ultimately
doesn't solve the problem.

Any ideas on how to reduce the number of processes from 90 to
something reasonable (5 or 10 maybe? -- presumably there is a min and
max setting somewhere?)

-- Richard