HCF Extension

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 08:33:18 -0800

Hi All

Despite the great work from everyone, we did not quite make it to hit
zero P3s for HCF. Tony and I talked about it and we decided to extend
the HCF deadline to 3/27, next monday.

Please consider only the list below for the bugs you should fix this
week. If you feel that other bugs should be fixed, please talk to me first.

We will have our normal bugswat meeting tomorrow.

Thanks, Jerome

9.0 PE Beta Open P1/P3 Bugs
9.0 PE Beta Open P1/P3 Bugs

#    RESP_MGR        RESP_ENGR       CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6397881   acc   7D (regression) asant throws org.xml.sax.SAXException when it generate src and compile src from jsp     
2    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/admin 3  6359719   ckn  14W RMIRegistry should bind to specific addresses from configuration ...                                 
3    abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6336617   acc  22W quickstart failed with ant deploy when AS path has a space                                           
4    anil.gaur       doug.bunting    sunone_app/web_s 3  6399200   dis   5D Blocking:Regression:Exception occurs when deploy the soar-modified.rar file                          
5    anil.gaur       harpreet.singh  sunone_app/web_s 3  6399251   dis   5D Blocking:Failed to publish jaxws 2.0 application to Xindice UDDI registry server                     
6    anil.gaur       siraj.ghaffar   sunone_app/web_s 3  6354573   ckn  16W Regression:After publish a webservice endpoint, user is required to restart Servers                  
7    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6399933   ckn   4D AS 9.0 PE License file needs to be updated                                                           
8    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6399972   ckn   4D AS 9.0 PE's screen image needs to be updated                                                         
9    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6384509   fun   5W Java EE SDK installation should support addon component installation                                 
10   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/web_s 3  6401213   dis    0 Xindince (jwsdp1.5) registry server doesn't work 9.0PE AppServer container                           
11   eliot.morrison  kenneth.saks    sunone_app/ejb_c 2  6400967   acc    0 Type cast of user-defined class to Object for business method argument will cause MarshalException   
12   eliot.morrison  kenneth.saks    sunone_app/ejb_c 3  6398808   acc   6D ThreadDeath error while running ejb devtests ejb30/hello                                             
13   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399838   ckn   4D IT 367 : Using lockMode hints breaks query                                                           
14   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399844   dis   4D IT 385 : mapping xml files are not getting validated by TopLink Essential                            
15   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399847   ckn   4D IT 388 : Literals converted to SQL parameters cause problems in the SELECT clause                    
16   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399813   dis   4D IT 123 : flush in Extended Persistence Context does not work                                         
17   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399816   dis   4D IT 136 : Parser not catching invalid type for subquery used with IN expression                       
18   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399818   dis   4D IT 146 : EJB QL: Parser not caching invalid argument type used with Arithmetic Function, MOD         
19   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399820   dis   4D IT 189 : EJBQL: SQL misses outer join for EJBQL OUTER JOIN identification variable                   
20   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399823   dis   4D IT 197 : EJBQL: duplicated tables in generated SQL                                                   
21   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399826   dis   4D IT 268 : findbugs utility finds issues in entity persistence                                         
22   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399828   dis   4D IT 285 : problem with EXTENDED persistency and stateful session beans                                
23   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399843   ckn   4D IT 384 : In Java SE environment persistence.xml is not getting validated by TopLink Essential        
24   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399846   dis   4D IT 386 : When class is specified both in mappings.xml and annotated, TopLink reports no primary key  
25   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399854   dis   4D IT 399 : java2db : Java 2 MySQL 2 type mapping to be updated                                         
26   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399856   dis   4D IT 401 : Vector processing is sub-optimal                                                            
27   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399858   dis   4D IT 404 : NullPointerException while accessing an initialized List (acc to spec)                      
28   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399861   dis   4D IT 410 : High contention with threads creating new objects can result in deadlock                    
29   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399864   dis   4D IT 414 : MSSQL Database : AVG of a column mapped to INTEGER fails                                    
30   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6400671   dis   1D IT 433 : Incorrect JDBC escape syntax for outer joins?                                               
31   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   2  6377594-M ckn   7W lookup problems with Weblogic initialcontext factory                                                 
32   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   3  6379389   acc   6W StackOverFlowError during one of the security test runtime.                                          
33   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/other 3  6399819   dis   4D IT 178 : managed connection factory resource adapter association may be lost when deploying applica  
34   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/entit 2  6401285   dis    0 IT 443 : Got an NPE in container-managed extened persistence context                                 
35   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/entit 3  6401286   dis    0 IT 444 : JPQL: IN subquery runs into exception                                                       
36   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/orb   3  6399808   dis   4D IT 16 : Setting orb-listener-1.address= has no effect                                       
37   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/orb   3  6399821   dis   4D IT 193 : enum unmarshalling creates new instance of the value                                        
38   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/orb   3  6399827   dis   4D IT 282 : Internally generated interface not found by analyzer                                        
39   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6397218-M dis   7D Servlet request.isSecure() value is not propagated when authPassthroughEnabled is set to true        
40   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6401249   dis    0 jspc -validate resulted in SAXParseException                                                         
41   jim.driscoll sunone_app/web_c 3  6330178   ckn  24W Sometimes backend.IASDeploymentException on redeploy??                                               
42   jim.driscoll    lloyd.chambers  sunone_app/web_c 3  6346448   acc  19W missing type=webmodule-virtual-server monitoring MBeans in remote instances                          
43   jim.driscoll    -               sunone_app/web_c 2  6401424   dis    0 SEGV from service_plain_range in when requested to byte serve a PDF file.           
44   narayanan.murth lance.andersen  sunone_app/jts   3  6337010   acc  22W Transaction recovery not working with data direct drivers.                                           
45   narayanan.murth -               sunone_app/jms   3  6399812   dis   4D IT 111 : Can't deploy module with MDB bean                                                           
46   raju.macharla   -               sunone_app/web_c 3  6350480   dis  17W 8.1(patch-8) one failure in ant core tests (Tomcat-JSTL1_0)                                          
47   satya.dodda     -               sunone_app/test_ 2  6399857   ckn   4D IT 403 : AS won't stop when ran with Mustang starting with nightly 03/14                             
48   sridatta.viswan -               sunone_app/admin 3  6401305   dis    0 Partially i18ned for error message in admin gui                                                      
49   srikanth.ananda shalini.muthukr sunone_app/upgra 2  6376140-M dis    0 Some garbage character displayed in result panel in Upgrade Guide                                    
50         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6342736   acc  20W NoClassDefFoundError when using Class-Path: header in MANIFEST.MF for ejb modules deployed in an ear 

Generated on: Tue Mar 21 08:33:15 PST 2006
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