[ANNOUNCE] JSF 1.2 (b15) PFD snapshot available in GlassFish

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 15:43:38 -0800
Build 37 of GlassFish (promoted today) contains the JavaServer Faces PFD 2 snapshot (JSF 1.2 b15).

This snapshot implements the following new features defined by PDF 2:

  * Java 5 Enums are supported as ManagedBean properties
  * The default ActionListener no longer requires
     String to be the result of an action.  It now allows the action
     methods to return Object instead of String, and it calls
     the toString() method on that Object.  This enables
     the use of Enum values within actions.
 * UIComponent.invokeOnComponent()
       - This exciting new feature enables executing a callback on any
         component (including data table-aware components), given its clientId,
         within the View.
         This approach eases the task of building an alternate JavaServer Faces lifecycle,
         such as one designed for AJAX.

In addition to the features described above, the following issues
(from the JavaServer Faces project) were resolved:
   226, 233, 237, 239, 240

If you come across any issues when developing with JSF
in GlassFish, or have ideas on how to improve the
experience, please log an issue here:

  The JavaServer Faces development team.