Bugs in Glassfish documentation

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:38:50 -0800

I just installed the latest build of Glassfish and looked at
docs/index.html, and thought I'd share a few comments...

- This page doesn't make much sense to me. It almost seems as if it's
   written to be served from http://localhost:8080/ (kinda like Apache's
   welcome page), but those are in domains/*/docroot/index.html, and
   I don't see why it's reused in $GLASSFISH/docs/index.html.
   Is this just a mistake?

- It took me a while to figure out that "docs/about.html" contains
   the actual contents, because it wasn't hyperlinked.

- I wonder if it's possible to reorganize "about.html" so that
   it's clear what are links and what are the explanations.

- So many links on "about.html" is dead. "Product documentation" is
   dead, sample applications don't exist, and so does "API
   documentation". I know there's a warning text below, but why not
   just pre-process the docs as a part of the build process to set
   the correct URL, or just remove this part altogether?

   And oh, "The Java EE tutorial" is 404, too.

- This is probably subjective, but I'm not sure if the first
   thing "about.html" should say is about the product registration.
   I mean, it already told me to do so in index.html at the very top.
   I think this could be something you can put in a floating box on the
   right or something. Speaking of subjective things, is it really
   necessary to set the font size to 10pt? I mean, what's the point of
   making the fonts smaller?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems