Re: ASM jars in GlassFish

From: Dinesh Patil <dinesh.patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 14:36:33 -0800

Binary dependency "asm" is been removed from GlassFish workspace.

Tom Ware wrote:

> Hi Dinesh,
> I have removed the references from our build scripts. I do not
> remember how to remove the dependancy. Feel free to go ahead.
> -Tom
> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>> Tom Ware wrote:
>>> Hi Dinesh,
>>> I checked in a change to the entity-persistence that means that it
>>> no longer requires the ASM jars. Unless some other component is
>>> using them, they can be removed.
>>> -Tom
>> Tom, are you going to remove this or want me to remove this binary
>> dependency. please let me know.
>> thanks
>> Dinesh