Re: devtests/webservice/annotations/pkgedwarservice - causes Admin GUI to stop working

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 21:51:10 -0800

Hi Mark,

Some of the webservice devtests do a server restart after deployment
before running the client - this is to ensure that a deployed service
works properly even after a server restart. 'pkgedwarservice' is one
such test - hence you see this kind of behavior. If you do not want
this, please remove the line restarting the instance in the deploy target


Mark Hansen wrote:

> When I run "ant all" for the
> devtests/webservice/annotations/pkgedwarservice, it causes the Admin
> GUI (http://localhost:4848) to stop functioning. When I refresh the
> browser, after running that test, I just get a blank screen.
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