Re: 9.0 PE Bugswat meeting at noon

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 14:32:06 -0600

Hi, all,

I actually fixed issue 59 last October and thought I had updated issue
tracker, but apparently not.

I've just updated the issue to reflect the fix.

- Tim

Jerome Dochez wrote:

> Hi All
> We will have our bugswat meeting at noon
> We still have 19 P2 Bugs in bugtraq and more than 10 in glassfish
> issue tracker. This is clearly too high.
> Please plan on attending if you own one of the P2s listed below.
> I also expect the 4 P2 is dispatched states to be updated very soon.
> We also have the following P2s on the glassfish issue tracker that
> needs to be updated.
> P2 Bug reported in issue tracker:
>Issue Type Priority Platform Owner State Resolution Summary
>2 DEFECT P2 Macintosh cchidamb REOPENED Can't log into admin console after building from
>12 DEFECT P2 All anilam STARTED Unable to get View for ViewDescriptor 'webApplications'
>28 DEFECT P2 All amyroh REOPENED downloaded jar should be double-clickable to run
>33 TASK P2 All carlavmott NEW improve search presence of glassfish
>59 DEFECT P2 All tjquinn STARTED SunDeploymentManager locks InputJarArchive file after deployment is finished
>68 DEFECT P2 All tram9 NEW Log file should have only information that is relevant to the users
>90 ENHANCEMENT P2 All snjezana STARTED Scripts in bin/ directory have absolute path
>102 DEFECT P2 Macintosh ss144236 NEW appservLauncher is an intel binary... On a Mac?
>105 DEFECT P2 All dochez NEW WSDL generated from EJB3 as WS doesn't have proper SOAP Location resulting in WS tester and client failures
>114 ENHANCEMENT P2 All cm151579 NEW provide docs for iiops setup for clients
>117 DEFECT P2 All tware NEW Session leak in TopLink
>118 DEFECT P2 All binod STARTED NPE in getting connection during server restart
>123 DEFECT P1 PC tware NEW Extended Persistence Context does not work
>124 DEFECT P2 PC tware NEW Entity life cycle callbacks don't work
>125 DEFECT P2 All snjezana STARTED embedded spaces fluster setup.xml
>126 DEFECT P2 All tware NEW JDBC connection leak in EMF creation code in toplink
>127 DEFECT P2 All tware NEW Spec compliance failure when generating join table
>132 DEFECT P2 Linux rlubke STARTED NSEE when using JSF selectItems with Collection
> Meeting information
> Call in information :
> --------------------------
> *Toll Free Dial In Number:* (866)545-5223
> *Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:* (865)673-9887
> *ACCESS CODE:* 5789900
> TIME : 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST
> BLDG : SCA14
> ROOM NUMBER/FLR : 3385/3
> FREQUENCY : Tuesday, Thursday
> ** Calendar Appointment **
> Date: 1/3/2006
> Start: 12:00 pm
> End: 1:00 pm
> Repeat: Tuesday, Thursday
> For: 10
> What: AS 9 Beta Bugswat
> Building: SCA14
> Name/Number/Flr: IT'S A SMALL WORLD/3385/3
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * 9.0 PE Beta Open P2 Bugs *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
># RESP_MGR <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=responsible_manager> RESP_ENGR <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=responsible_engineer> CAT/SUBCAT <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=cat_subcat> P <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=priority> ID <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=cr_number> STA <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=status> AGE <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=age> SYNOPSIS <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6159&csort=synopsis>
>1 abhijit.kumar <> kedar.mhaswade <> sunone_app/admin 2 6367695 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6367695> ckn 1W MBean fails to load EJB classes
>2 abhijit.kumar <> prashanth.abbag <> sunone_app/comma 2 6363917 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6363917> acc 3W asadmin should be smart enough to reuse the password in multimode
>3 alex.pineda <> sony.manuel <> sunone_app/jdbc 2 6337010 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6337010> inc 12W transaction recovery does not work with data direct drivers
>4 anil.gaur <> harpreet.singh <> sunone_app/monit 2 6367983 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6367983> acc 1W Call flow web method end operation fails with NullPointerException
>5 anil.gaur <> satish.viswanat <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6365271 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6365271> dis 3W NullPointerException from AuthenticationListenerImpl
>6 anil.gaur <> - sunone_app/sampl 2 6370342 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6370342> dis 0 Samples: Need sample application for Java EE 5 Annotations for deployment
>7 eliot.morrison <> ken.cavanaugh <> sunone_app/orb 2 6369629 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6369629> fip 4D Lock contention in LogWrapperCacheImpl
>8 narayanan.murth <> <> sunone_app/jms 2 6345064 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6345064> dis 9W ping jms throws exception on Win XP when firewall is on
>9 narayanan.murth <> kanwar.oberoi <> sunone_app/jca 2 6365888 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6365888-2132921>-M fun 1W [SeeBeyond]Connections from the default connector connection pool are not enlisted in transactions
>10 narayanan.murth <> sivakumar.thyag <> sunone_app/jms 2 6333229 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6333229> ckn 13W JMS ConnectionFactory config is wrong when using the admin gui if ra.xml defaults present
>11 narayanan.murth <> sivakumar.thyag <> sunone_app/jms 2 6365796 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6365796> fip 2W admin gui cannot list nor create JMS Physical Destinations in AS 9.0 PE
>12 narayanan.murth <> sivakumar.thyag <> sunone_app/other 2 6329415 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6329415> ckn 15W application specific classloader doesn't seems to load the classes under applibs
>13 satya.dodda <> ramesh.thiyagar <> sunone_app/comma 2 6361389 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6361389> inc 4W Admin CLI got 12 failures in asant tests.
>14 sridatta.viswan <> anissa.lam <> sunone_app/admin 2 6363330 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6363330> fav 3W resource adapter properties fail to show up after deploy connector module
>15 sridatta.viswan <> anissa.lam <> sunone_app/monit 2 6351555 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6351555> acc 7W call flow statistic should filter out system apps
>16 sridatta.viswan <> chock.chidambar <> sunone_app/admin 2 6370353 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6370353> dis 0 "Common Tasks" link throws exceptions
>17 srikanth.ananda <> jagadish.ramu <> sunone_app/jdbc 2 6369554 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6369554> fun 4D connection pool need to validate a connection before giving it to application
>18 stephen.caruso <> raja.perumal <> sunone_app/cts 2 6365471 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6365471> fip 3W ACC expects auth data sooner
>19 <> vijay.ramachand <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6370672 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6370672> fip 0 Place Holder : Integrate latest JAXWS for fixing async JAXWS call related issue
>*Generated on:* Tue Jan 10 11:36:46 PST 2006
> Summary View </summary.jsp?query=6159> Reconfigure View
> </configuration.jsp?query=6159>
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> <>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * 9.0 PE Beta bugs still in DISPATCHED state *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
># RESP_MGR <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=responsible_manager> RESP_ENGR <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=responsible_engineer> CAT/SUBCAT <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=cat_subcat> P <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=priority> ID <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=cr_number> STA <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=status> AGE <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=age> SYNOPSIS <http://monaco.sfbay/list.jsp?query=6158&csort=synopsis>
>1 anil.gaur <> satish.viswanat <> sunone_app/web_s 2 6365271 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6365271> dis 3W NullPointerException from AuthenticationListenerImpl
>2 anil.gaur <> - sunone_app/sampl 2 6370342 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6370342> dis 0 Samples: Need sample application for Java EE 5 Annotations for deployment
>3 narayanan.murth <> <> sunone_app/jms 2 6345064 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6345064> dis 9W ping jms throws exception on Win XP when firewall is on
>4 sridatta.viswan <> chock.chidambar <> sunone_app/admin 2 6370353 <http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsp?cr=6370353> dis 0 "Common Tasks" link throws exceptions
>*Generated on:* Tue Jan 10 11:36:43 PST 2006
> Summary View </summary.jsp?query=6158> Reconfigure View
> </configuration.jsp?query=6158>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sun Confidential: Internal Use Only Start Page <start.jsp> V1.1.06
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