quicklook tests -> "did not run"

From: Pierre Delisle <Pierre.Delisle_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 19:30:24 -0800

I'm running the QuickLook tests on a fresh workspace using
"maven runtest". They should all pass, however, out of 50 tests,
44 pass, and 6 "did not run".

I assume this is a configuration problem, but can't figure out
exactly what.

Here are the details:

Testsuite Id web-to-ejb (ear based)
Testsuite Name J2EE Web Client

 /subclassing/index.html did_not_run
  Testsuite Id jstl-servlet (stand-alone war based)
  Testsuite Name J2EE Web Client

  /bookstore3/bookcatalog?Add= did_not_run
  /bookstore3/bookdetails?bookId=205 did_not_run
  /bookstore3/bookcatalog?Add=205 did_not_run
  /bookstore3/bookcatalog?Add=207 did_not_run
  /bookstore3/bookcashier did_not_run


      [sql] Executing file: D:\glassfish_cvs\glassfish\appserv-tests\sqetests\connector\cci\sql\cci-derby-drop.sql
      [sql] Failed to execute: drop table coffee
      [sql] Schema 'DBUSER' does not exist
      [sql] Failed to execute: drop PROCEDURE COUNTCOFFEE
      [sql] Schema 'DBUSER' does not exist
      [sql] Failed to execute: drop PROCEDURE INSERTCOFFEE
      [sql] Schema 'DBUSER' does not exist
      [sql] 0 of 3 SQL statements executed successfully


     [java] size of buffer is1590
     [java] HTTP port :8080
     [java] HTTP hostname :localhost
     [java] -------------------- Read Header Fail---------------------------
     [java] Error details:null
     [java] java.lang.NullPointerException
     [java] at com.sun.ejte.ccl.webrunner.webtest.SendRequest.readHeader(
     [java] addTest with testSuiteId:: testId -> web-to-ejb (ear based)::/subclassing/index.html
     [java] at com.sun.ejte.ccl.webrunner.webtest.SendRequest.processUrl(
     [java] at com.sun.ejte.ccl.webrunner.webtest.WebTest.readFile(
     [java] at com.sun.ejte.ccl.webrunner.webtest.WebTest.main(
     [java] SSN=123456789&action=Create
     [java] HTTP port :8080
     [java] HTTP hostname :localhost
     [java] addTest with testSuiteId:: testId -> web-to-ejb (ear based)::/subclassing/servlet/SimpleBankServlet
     [java] web-to-ejb (ear based) /subclassing/servlet/SimpleBankServlet PASS
     [java] SSN=123456789&lastName=deepa&firstName=singh&address1=120&address2=e&city=sunnyvale&state=ca&zipCode=94087&action=Add+Customer
     [java] HTTP port :8080
     [java] HTTP hostname :localhost
     [java] addTest with testSuiteId:: testId -> web-to-ejb (ear based)::/subclassing/servlet/SimpleBankServlet
     [java] web-to-ejb (ear based) /subclassing/servlet/SimpleBankServlet PASS
     [java] in flushAll , creating new testSuiteHash
     [java] Error : Test was added before only. Still allowing. Old value of the test will be overridden
     [java] in flushAll , creating new testSuiteHash

Thanks for any insight on what might be wrong.

    -- Pierre