Re: JSR-181 processor ??

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2005 14:06:52 -0800

Given an endpoint, wsgen generates WSDLs and associated schemas - thats
it. The annotation processing framework present in glassfish has
handlers that process WebService / WebServiceRef annotations and these
handlers create appropriate deployment descriptors. At deployment time,
the descriptors (either user-specified or created by annotation
handlers) are used along with wsgen for proper deployment of the service

Hope this helps


Mark Hansen wrote:

> JSR-181 mentions a "JSR-181 processor" that processes annotations into
> deployable set of artifacts (i.e., WSDL, schema, deployment
> descritpors, etc.)
> Are all of the features in the JSR-181 spec provided by wsgen?
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