Re: Webstart

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2005 15:12:09 -0600

Hi, Stanley.

Stanley Greenwood wrote:

> Hi
> I have created a fairly large project using Webstart.
> My project will have about 10 people working on it concurrently & it
> uses a MS SQL DB 2000
> Do you for see any problems?
> Anything I should watch out for?
Are you referring to a Java EE app deployed to an app server using Java
Web Start to deploy and launch app clients?

If so, there should be no inherent problem in using the Glassfish
support for Java Web Start to distribute and start the clients. Keep in
mind that the Glassfish JWS support delivers the app client (and
supporting jars) to the end-users's system and starts it. From there,
all the normal techniques for building and running the enterprise app -
including the app client - apply.

We are very interested in encouraging people to use this feature, so
please let us know how it goes, if you have any questions, etc..

> I will also have about 20 Call center agents using an application that
> also accesses the DB[Not the same app]
Again, this should be fine as long as neither the call center app nor
the first one you mentioned assumes it is the only app using the DB.

- Tim

> **Regards**
> **Stanley**** Greenwood**
> **1 Call ASAP | IT Department | Developer**
> T:0861111777 F:0861111444 C:0829660349