Re: Question about promoted build / glassfish SNAPSHOT image

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 17:05:01 -0500

Abhijit already answered the part when the changes need to be checked in
to make the promoted build, this cvs status -v command I mentioned is
just to double check whether the changes made in or not. :-)

Hong Zhang wrote:

> Since I can never figure out which time zone the cvs repository uses,
> I use "cvs status -v <filename>" to check (tip from Terena!).
> For example, you can see from the output below that revision 1.24 of
> is the one included in promoted b25, and 1.22 is the
> one included in promoted build b24 and etc.
> [hzhang_at_rivendell archivist]$ cvs status -v
> ===================================================================
> File: Status: Needs Patch
> Working revision: 1.24
> Repository revision: 1.25
> /cvs/glassfish/appserv-commons/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/deployment/archivist/,v
> Sticky Tag: (none)
> Sticky Date: (none)
> Sticky Options: (none)
> Existing Tags:
> SJSAS-9_0-B25-ALPHA-03_Nov_2005 (revision: 1.24)
> SJSAS-9_0-B24-ALPHA-26_Oct_2005 (revision: 1.22)
> SJSAS-9_0-B23-ALPHA-19_Oct_2005 (revision: 1.19)
> SJSAS-9_0-B22-ALPHA-13_Oct_2005 (revision: 1.19)
> SJSAS-9_0-B21-ALPHA-01_Oct_2005 (revision: 1.19)
> SJSAS-9_0-B20-ALPHA-30_Sept_2005 (revision: 1.18)
> SJSAS-9_0-B09-ALPHA-MILESTONE2-17_June_2005 (revision: 1.6)
> SJSAS9_MS2_BRANCH (branch: 1.6.2)
> SJSAS9_MS2_BRANCH_POINT-16_June_2005 (revision: 1.6)
> START (revision:
> SJSAS_9_0 (branch: 1.1.1)
> Thanks,
> - Hong
> Abhijit Kumar wrote:
>> Yes, there is. In general, nightly builds start at 12:00 midnight
>> Pacific time and only check-ins done prior to that time make it in to
>> SNAPSHOT available next morning (Pacific time again).
>> In general, builds are promoted on wednesdays. A promoted build is a
>> nightly build (started at 12:00 midnight PST) that passes all tests.
>> If there are test failures then promotion is delayed till the test
>> failures are addressed.
>> In case build fails, they are restarted during the daytime (PST)
>> after addressing the root cause of the failure.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Michael Bouschen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there a deadline for checkins being part of the next promoted
>>> build or the next glassfish SNAPSHOT image? Yesterday I checked in
>>> two changes in the entity-persistence module. Both changes did not
>>> make into the promoted build b25. They are also not included into
>>> the latest glassfish SNAPSHOT image I have downloaded by calling
>>> maven bootstrap in the bootstrap directory. I see the changes after
>>> calling maven build in the entity-persistence directory.
>>> My user id is mb124283. Here are the check in dates from
>>> the CVS messages: 'Date: 2005/11/03 03:06:44' 'Date: 2005/11/03
>>> 03:18:59'.
>>> Any idea?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Regards Michael
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