Re: Mac OS X Build failure (third day in a row)

From: Dinesh Patil <dinesh.patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 20:18:46 -0800

On Nov 2, 2005, at 7:44 PM, Markus Fuchs wrote:

> Hi Ed,
>> Also, I have conflicting information on the proper sequence of maven
>> goals. Markus says:
>> maven clobber checkout bootstrap-all clean build
>> But Dinesh says:
>> maven bootstrap-all checkout build configure-runtime
>> Who is right?
> It depends on your goal:

All the maven goals are described hrere..

> clobber: removes ${glassfish-root}/publish
this removes $(glassfish.home} which is located in default path: $

> clean: cleans modules' workspace under ${glassfish-root}/glassfish/XXX
this removes modules build directory for new compilation.

> configure-runtime: configures the appserv under ${glassfish-root}/
> publish
configures ${glassfish.home} to create token replaced configuration
files for local paths, and domain creation.

> If you're building in an existing workspace, clobber and clean are
> recommended. The order for
> clobber checkout bootstrap-all clean
> doesn't matter as long these goals are before build.
> build configure-runtime
> should be called in this order.
> HTH,
> -- markus.
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