[Fwd: Re: J2EE & Webstart]

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 09:05:37 -0600

Hi, Stanley.

This is a copy of a reply I sent early Tuesday morning (U.S. time) to
the dev list, but the mail servers are very slow lately. I've taken the
liberty of addressing this to you individually as well as to the list.

- Tim

attached mail follows:

Hello, Stanley.

Stanley Greenwood wrote:

> Hi
> Am I capable of creating an J2EE Application client that uses beans
> and launch it using JNLP (Webstart)
> Where can I go to get more information on this?
This is one of the features that is new in the Glassfish project and
added to the 9.0 release of the app server product.

Please refer to the glassfish web site for the draft documentation for
this feature. You can find it in the "Assembling and Deploying
Applications" document, in the "Deploying an Application Client"
section. This URL should take you there directly:

You do not need to do anything differently in the app client you develop
to allow your end users to launch it using JWS. In fact, app clients
you have already build should work correctly when launched using Java
Web Start; just follow the default URL naming conventions the document
describes. The developer can set the context-root that the app server
should use for launching that client by assigning the path in the
sun-application-client.xml descriptor.

The app server by default enables all app clients for launch using Java
Web Start, although developers (through the sun-application-client.xml
descriptor) can make a given app client ineligible for Java Web Start
launching. Also, administrators can disable an app client from JWS
launching, even if it is otherwise eligible.

Please let us know if you need more information, because we want the
documentation to be enough for users to take full advantage of this new

Also, we're currently writing up some design and internals information
that we plan to publish elsewhere on the glassfish site in the near
future, for those who are interested in how this all works.

- Tim

> Is there an IRC chat room available for me?
> **Regards**
> **Stanley**** Greenwood**
> **1 Call ASAP | IT Department | Developer**
> T:0861111777 F:0861111444 C:0829660349