Re: J2EE & Webstart

From: vince kraemer <>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 16:50:15 -0800

Stanley Greenwood wrote:

> Hi
> Am I capable of creating an J2EE Application client that uses beans
> and launch it using JNLP (Webstart)
> Where can I go to get more information on this?
Yes. I would start off by looking by depploying one of the old J2EE 1.4
sample apps, that has an application client as your starting point (like

once the app is deployed, start up the glassfish admin gui.

Click on the deployed enterprise app.

The general tab has a list of the component modules. The app client has
a Launch link.

Give it a click.

Now for the bad news. The stateful-simple client is written for a
command-line interface. All its output goes to System.out. That isn't
very useful. An improvement would be to make the sample application
client a Swing app...

Is this the kind of info you are looking for?

> Is there an IRC chat room available for me?
> **Regards**
> **Stanley**** Greenwood**
> **1 Call ASAP | IT Department | Developer**
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