Re: servlet and web module naming WRT AMX MBeans

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 13:57:13 -0700


Lloyd L Chambers wrote On 10/27/05 13:24,:
> [resend, with html formatting for improved readability]
> Jan,
> Like JSR 77, AMX imposes a containment hierarchy, as well as certain
> relationships. Here's how it's done for Servlets, WebModules and
> J2EEApplications:
> *Servlets and WebModules*
> A Servlet must refer to a WebModule via the
> 'WebModule=/web-module-name//'/ property in its ObjectName. This
> WebModule must exist with j2eeType=WebModule,name=/web-module-name/ in
> its ObjectName./
> /A Servlet or WebModule must also contain the property
> J2EEApplication=/app-name/ in its ObjectName. If the WebModule is a
> standalone war file, then J2EEApplication=null, per JSR 77 specification.
> Putting this all together, we should see the following proeprties in the
> JSR 77 Servlet and WebModule ObjectNames:
> j2eeType=Servlet,name=/servlet-name/,WebModule=/web-module-name/,J2EEApplication=/app-name/
> j2eeType=WebModule,name=/web-module-name/,J2EEApplication=/app-name
> /j2eeType=J2EEApplication,name=/app-name /*// exists only if
> /app-name/ != null*/
> /
> *Servlet and WebModule monitoring*
> The Monitoring hierarchy mimics this more or less. There is one
> wrinkle: standalone web modules and embedded web modules are a different
> 'type' and have different name structure.
> *
> **For monitoring a /standalone /WebModule*:*
> *
> *JSR 77: **(category=runtime omitted from name)*
> j2eeType=WebModule,name=///virtual-server-name/web-module-name/,J2EEServer=/server-name/,J2EEApplication=null*
> *j2eeType=Servlet,name=/servlet-name/,WebModule=///virtual-server-name/web-module-name/,J2EEServer=/server-name/,J2EEApplication=null
> *Monitoring (category=monitor** omitted from name**)
> [the following is workable, but inconsistent]*
> type=webmodule-virtual-server,name=/virtual-server-name/,server=/server-name/,standalone-web-module=/web-module-name/
> type=servlet,name/=servlet-name/,server=/server-name/,standalone-web-module=/web-module-name,/webmodule-virtual-server=/server-name
> /type=web-module,name=///virtual-server-name///web-module-name/,server=/server-name//
> /
> //////*For monitoring an /embedded /WebModule*, the following is needed:
> *JSR 77: **(category=runtime omitted from name)*
> j2eeType=J2EEApplication,name=/app-name/,J2EEServer=/server-name/
> j2eeType=WebModule,name/=web-module-name/,J2EEApplication=/app-name,/J2EEServer=/server-name/
> j2eeType=Servlet,name=/servlet-name/,WebModule=/web-module-name/,J2EEApplication=/app-name,/J2EEServer=/server-name/
> *Monitoring (category=monitor** omitted from name**)*
> type=application,name=/app-name/,server=/server-name
> /type=web-module,name=///virtual-server-name/web-module-name/,application=/app-name/,server=/server-name/
> type=servlet,name=/servlet-name/,web-module=///virtual-server-name/web-module-name,/webmodule-virtual-server=/server-name/,application=/app-name/
> type=webmodule-virtual-server,name/=virtual-server-name/,application=/app-name/,web-module=/web-module-name
> /type=application,name=/app-name/,server=/server-name/*
> *
> *Thoughts
> *
> The above names do require special-case code because the names aren't
> consistent:
> type=webmodule-virtual-server,*name/=virtual-server-name/,standalone-web-module=/web-module-name/**,*server=/server-name
> ...vs.../
> type=web-module,*name=///virtual-server-name/web-module-name/*
> It would be nice if webmodule-virtual-server were modified to use the
> ObjectName:
> type=webmodule-virtual-server,name/=////virtual-server-name/web-module-name/,server=/server-name
> /However, the AMX code currently special-cases this, so it is not a
> show-stopper.

I agree completely with your proposed change, which has been made
possible by our combined efforts to align the monitoring mbean
object names with their JSR 77 counterparts by having the context root
of the associated web module reflected in them.

I will change the object name of the monitoring mbeans of type
"webmodule-virtual-server" as you suggested.




> Thanks,
> Lloyd/
> /
>>Jan Luehe wrote On 10/26/05 10:05,:
>>>Lloyd L Chambers wrote On 10/25/05 18:33,:
>>>>I'm at home unfortunately. Here is what I'm seeing--ghese names are
>>>>after running the AMX unit tests, which deploy most of the sample apps.
>>>>I've grouped related names together as best I can figure out (see below
>>>>after my comments).
>>>thanks for grouping the names! That helps.
>>>I know what's going on: I had confused a web-module monitoring object
>>>name with a virtual-server monitoring object name. I think the reason I
>>>had confused the two is because the virtual-server monitoring object
>>>name is a misnomer: it really represents a web module or app deployed on
>>>a particular vs, and not the vs itself.
>>>I had never understood why
>>>would take "app" and "module" arguments. Now I understand.
>>>It's really unfortunate that this method has been named this way.
>>>As part of my recent changes, I had only modified
>>>MonitoringObjectNames.getWebModuleObjectName() and
>>>MonitoringObjectNames.getServletObjectName() to take into
>>>consideration the ctx root, but I had not changed
>>>Sorry for the confusion.
>>>I take it you are only interested in object names of the form
>>I meant type=servlet.
>>>but not type=web-module, right?
>>>So the equivalent of j2eeType=WebModule in the monitoring world is
>>>type=webmodule-virtual-server, not type=web-module, right?
>>>Why are we even registering monitoring beans for type=web-module,
>>>if those beans don't have any attributes?
>>>Anyway, I'll send you a patch shortly to try out.
>>>Thanks for your patience,
>>>>Looks like there are several issues:
>>>>1. *For a web module within an application*:
>>>>Names are taken from two different places!
>>>>(a) The value of <web-uri> is being used for the 'web-module' property
>>>>value in type=webmodule-virtual-server:
>>>>(c) The name used for the j2eeType=WebModule is taken from
>>>><context-root> in application.xml. Ditto for type=web-module:
>>>>*Solution: *make the name used be context-root in both cases. This
>>>>applies to servlets as well.
>>>>*Alternative*: /application-name/./context-root/
>>>>*2. For a standalone web module:
>>>>Names are taken from two different places:
>>>>(a) The value of the "name" Attribute in <web-module> is being used for
>>>>the 'standalone-web-module' property value in
>>>>**(b) The name used for j2eeType=WebModule is the <context-root> within
>>>>*Solution: *make the name used be context-root in both cases. This
>>>>applies to servlets as well.
>>>>*Alternative*: /web-module-name/./context-root/
>>>>*3. Other notes*
>>>>(a) There are *two* category=monitor MBeans for the same web module.
>>>>The important one is 'type=webmodule-virtual-server'. The
>>>>'type=web-module' one seems to be useless, since it has no Attributes.
>>>>Ditto for type=application.
>>>>(b) There are two JSR 77 MBeans j2eeType=WebModule for the same
>>>>WebModule within an application. One of these has J2EEApplication=null:
>>>>*!**null J2EEApplication**!**
>>>>jmxcmd> find type=web-module type=webmodule-virtual-server
>>>>type=application &category=monitor j2eeType=WebModule
>>>>Applications (OK):*
>>>>!no WebModule (OK)!
>>>>Applications (name mismatches and/or null J2EEApplication):*
>>>>*!**null J2EEApplication**!***
>>>>*!**null J2EEApplication**!*
>>>>*!**null J2EEApplication**!***
>>>>*!**null J2EEApplication**!*
>>>>*!**null J2EEApplication**!*
>>>>!**null J2EEApplication**!*
>>>>*Standalone web modules:
>>>>Looks like context-root is used for the standalone-web-module property,
>>>>but the name of the app is used for WebModule.