Ken Paulsen wrote:
KP> You may want to consider simplifying the API by having "ELException"
KP> utilize the ELUtil class. Then you could just pass in the key:
KP> "setPropertyFailed" and the object[].
KP> Also, I would think developers may want to customize these messages.
KP> Do you have a mechanism for doing this? Perhaps a ResourceBundleFactory?
>>>>> On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 18:24:24 -0500, Jacob Hookom <> said:
JH> I would keep it simple, ELException is public so unless you make ELUtil
JH> public too, I wouldn't extend that dependency. And I don't recommend
JH> making ELUtil public.
Yes, ELUtil was intended to be an impl private class. I definately
don't want to make it public. I'd leave the message customizing to the
layer on top of EL, in this case JSP or JSF.
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