The new name is Java EE

From: Abhijit Kumar <abhijit.kumar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 21:33:33 -0700


As you know, one of the announcements during JavaOne was renaming of
J2EE to Java EE. Please go through source code and if you run into J2EE
or J2EE 1.5, please change it to Java EE and Java EE 5 respectively.
[Exception, if there is something that is specific to a prior J2EE
version, for example J2EE 1.4, then you can leave it unchanged]

This applies to anything that is user visible but does not break
backward compatibility, for example,

. log messages,
. admin GUI screens and help pages,
. end user documentation (including man pages),
. javadoc for public APIs.
. Comments in other public files (for example, dtds)

