Re: [arch] [GFv3] Installation specific "autostart" directory for OSGi bundles

From: Sahoo <Sanjeeb.Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 22:25:28 +0530

I meant a directory that's specific to a GlassFish installation
(something under installRoot), not something specific to an
administrative domain.


Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> Sahoo,
> By "installation specific", you mean per-platform, or per-install on
> each platform, or something else?
> Or are you just saying there is an autostart directory?
> Lloyd
> On Aug 21, 2009, at 12:58 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>> Problem Context:
>> When GlassFish starts, the bootstrap process starts an OSGi framework
>> (default is Felix), which is configured to start one of our bundles
>> called osgi-main.jar. This primordial bundle is responsible for
>> installing all the OSGi bundles available in modules directory tree. It
>> also takes care of updating modified bundles and deleting removed
>> bundles from OSGi runtime so as to keep the OSGi persistent cache in
>> sync with the GlassFish installation. It then starts all other bundles
>> that are necessary for server to start. This includes any bundle that
>> has a Startup service or Init service. When such a service requires
>> service from some other bundle, that bundle is started in the process.
>> So, in essence, not all bundles are started automatically when the
>> server starts. This lazy startup of bundles gives us good startup time
>> and memory footprint. /But, it causes problems when we host bundles
>> developed elsewhere in the modules dir/. e.g. Felix Web Console which
>> can be used to manage OSGi runtime. Those bundles do not necessarily
>> contain a Startup service to be started automatically. Unless they are
>> started, they are not much useful. Although we have a domain specific
>> autostart directory where users can drop OSGi bundles to be started
>> automatically when server starts, such a domain specific directory can't
>> be used to install update centre packages. As a result, we can't make
>> useful bundles like the one mentioned earlier made available via update
>> centre.
>> Proposal:
>> I am proposing to add an installation specific autostart directory,
>> where user can drop an OSGi bundle for it to be started automatically.
>> We already have necessary infrastructure to implement it. I am open to
>> the choice of names. The ones that come to my mind are
>> modules/autostart/ and modules-autostart/. I am also of the opinion that
>> these bundles should have same security privileges as bundles in
>> modules/, as this directory is owned by the user who owns the
>> installation, so it is already protected. These bundles will be started
>> after server startup is complete unless there is a deployed application
>> that uses a package exported by any of these bundles, so they can't
>> typically affect startup time.
>> Opinions, objections?
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> p.s.: This issue came up during a conversation with Abhijit earlier
>> today.
> Lloyd Chambers
> GlassFish Team