Re: Asadmin

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 13:49:11 -0500

In fact the server-side code sets the action report's message to this:

Remote configuration is currently disabled

(localized of course).

RemoteAdminCommand#checkConnect is what detects the 403 and throws a
CommandException. But that method does not use the additional
explanatory information, which is delivered in the error stream of the
URLConnection, in preparing the exception.

- Tim

On May 4, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Tom Mueller wrote:

> We had a discussion about this when enable-secure-admin was being
> developed, but I haven't been able to find a record of that. The
> debate was about how much information to give the user in this
> case. Generally, for security reason you want to give a potential
> attacker as little information as possible as to why they cannot
> access the system. On the other hand, for user-friendliness, you
> might want to tell them to run enable-secure-admin to allow this
> operation.
> Tom
> On 5/4/2011 12:55 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
>> Scenario:
>> On MachineB --
>> asadmin delete-domain domain1
>> asadmin create-domain --nopassword domain1
>> asadmin start-domain domain1
>> On MachineA --
>> asadmin --host machineB deploy hello.war
>> Result:
>> HTTP connection failed with code 403, message: Forbidden
>> ===============
>> Which is fairly easily solved. But there is no hint at all for the
>> user on how to proceed. Should we give them a clue in the
>> error message?
>> <mime-attachment.gif>
>> Byron Nevins | Principal MTS
>> Phone: +1 6503958992
>> <mime-attachment.gif> Oracle is committed to developing practices
>> and products that help protect the environment