Re: Asadmin

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 13:51:41 -0500

By the way, try the same test but use a web browser (at least Firefox)
as the client with


and the browser displays the explanation.

We probably need to change RemoteAdminCommand to use the contents of
the connection's error stream, if any, in preparing the exception.

- Tim

On May 4, 2011, at 1:49 PM, Tim Quinn wrote:

> In fact the server-side code sets the action report's message to this:
> Remote configuration is currently disabled
> (localized of course).
> RemoteAdminCommand#checkConnect is what detects the 403 and throws a
> CommandException. But that method does not use the additional
> explanatory information, which is delivered in the error stream of
> the URLConnection, in preparing the exception.
> - Tim
> On May 4, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Tom Mueller wrote:
>> We had a discussion about this when enable-secure-admin was being
>> developed, but I haven't been able to find a record of that. The
>> debate was about how much information to give the user in this
>> case. Generally, for security reason you want to give a potential
>> attacker as little information as possible as to why they cannot
>> access the system. On the other hand, for user-friendliness, you
>> might want to tell them to run enable-secure-admin to allow this
>> operation.
>> Tom
>> On 5/4/2011 12:55 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
>>> Scenario:
>>> On MachineB --
>>> asadmin delete-domain domain1
>>> asadmin create-domain --nopassword domain1
>>> asadmin start-domain domain1
>>> On MachineA --
>>> asadmin --host machineB deploy hello.war
>>> Result:
>>> HTTP connection failed with code 403, message: Forbidden
>>> ===============
>>> Which is fairly easily solved. But there is no hint at all for
>>> the user on how to proceed. Should we give them a clue in the
>>> error message?
>>> <mime-attachment.gif>
>>> Byron Nevins | Principal MTS
>>> Phone: +1 6503958992
>>> <mime-attachment.gif> Oracle is committed to developing practices
>>> and products that help protect the environment