Module Owners : action requested

From: Vijay Ramachandran <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 15:15:04 -0700

Glassfish 3.1 module owners,

As you may know, the command replication framework (which was
demonstrated @ MS1 and has been available for use by CLIs since MS2) is
NOT enabled by default in 3.1 builds. This was done to give time for
various CLIs to make changes and adapt to the cluster environment using
this framework.

As of today, we have reached point where the build, unit tests that are
executed during build, QL and admin CLI dev tests pass with command
replication enabled by default.

When you get a chance, can you please run your module's dev tests (with
the ENABLE_REPLICATION env variable set to true before starting the
domain/instances) and let me know if you are OK with me turning on
command replication by default ? Also, if your dev test fail because of
a command replication bug, let me know ?

We would like to see if the framework can be switched on by default by
MS3 which is on 7/19. Your response by COB on Friday, 7/16, will be
deeply appreciated.

