Re: create-cluster options multicastport, multicastaddress

From: Jennifer Chou <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:37:45 +0100

Thanks I have updated the spec with the usage. So --heartbeadaddress
and --heartbeatport were options on create-cluster in v2.x?

Usage: create-cluster
        [--config <config>]
        [--systemproperties (name=value)[:name=name]*]
        [--multicastport <multicastport>]
        [--multicastaddress <multicastaddress>]

You may want to add @Pattern(regexp= for the multicastaddress

On 7/21/2010 1:00 PM, Joseph Fialli wrote:
> Jennifer,
> They should be documented.
> --multicastaddress and --multicastport are used to broadcast messages
> to all instances in the cluster.
> GMS uses it to monitor health of instances in the cluster.
> --multicastaddress is a renaming of undocumented v2.x --heartbeataddress
> It must be a valid multicast address in the range from
> through,
> When this parameter is not specified, the create-cluster command
> generate a multicast address of "228.9.XX.YY" where XX and YY are
> independent
> values between 0..255.
> --multicastport is a renaming of undocumented v2.1 --heartbeatport
> Valid values are from 2048 to 32000. When this parameter is not
> specified,
> we generate a value between the valid ranges mentioned above.
> For ease of use, these parameters being optional and generation of
> these values is a good thing.
> However, for an administrator, they would prefer to control this.
> So it is best to document so it is easier for them to do it.
> -Joe
> On 7/20/10 11:08 PM, Jennifer Chou wrote:
>> Hi Joe, Bobby,
>> We're trying to finalize the usage of the commands in the design
>> spec:
>> I wanted to verify if these options should be added for
>> create-cluster in 3.1: --multicastport and --multicastaddress ?
>> They are not in the v2.1.1 doc
>> create-cluster:
>> Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-cluster
>> [--config <config>]
>> [--properties <properties>] [--systemproperties
>> <systemproperties>]
>> [--multicastport <multicastport>]
>> [--multicastaddress <multicastaddress>]
>> [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]]
>> cluster_name
>> Thanks,
>> Jennifer
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