Re: questions about converting html to wiki

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:17:18 -0700

I took Eduardo's word, and edit it by hand.
Here is what i  copy/paste/type/format  for the last hours to create this page.
Someone may ask why don't i use the wiki in the first place, then i don't need the conversion.   Well, i manage to convert, but i will never be able to write this from scratch :)

Thanks to everyone who gives me suggestions.

This page lists out all the commands, attributes or methods that may need special attention from the REST API team.  Maybe this has been resolved already, just need to confirm that.
|| CLI || GUI Page, feature|| mbean object name || ClassName ||attribute or methods || Comments
| generate-jvm-report | Server General page,generate JVM report | amx:pp=/,type=runtime | org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.RuntimeRoot | method: getJVMReport| needs REST API
| recover-transactions | v2 parity, missing in v3 now.| | | | needs REST API
| set-log-level| Configuration -&gt; Logger Settings -&gt; General tab \\ get/set the logger related attributes, which is stored in domain1/config/ file | amx:pp=/,type=logging | org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging.Logging | LoggingAttributes : attributes \\ method:&nbsp; updateLoggingAttributes | needs REST API
|list-logger-levels |Configuration-> Logger Settings-> Log Levers Tab \\get/set module log levels.  These info is stored in domain1/config/ file.|amx:pp=/,type=logging | org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging.Logging | LoggingProperties : attributes \\method: updateLoggingProperties |needs API
| |To support Log Viewer| mx:pp=/,type=logging | org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging.Logging\\ org.glassfish.admin.amx.logging.LogQuery*  | method: \\ queryServerLog,  getDiagnosticCauses,  getDiagnosticChecks, getDiagnosticURI \\ LogQuery.Helper.toLogQueryResult | comment from Ludo: \\ I am working on my side on a rest log viewer (based on Hudson code) that should do the job for viewing logs...The client is of course very javascript centric. I hope you'll be able to integrate it somewhere in the admin gui....
|??  |For Users managment in a file Realm. \\ Need to list out which group the user belongs to. | amx:pp=/ext,type=realms |org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms | method:\\getGroupNames (String realmName, String userName); |
| create-file-users\\ update-file-users\\ list-file-users\\ delete-file-users\\ list-file-groups\\ change-admin-password | For Users management. \\ Need to be able to update both the Group List and the password of any user. \\ Domain Page, Administration Password Tab \\ Need to display the group name. | amx:pp=/ext,type=realms | org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms |methods used: \\ \\ getUsernames \\ removeUser\\ addUser\\ getGroupNames\\ updateUser |update-file-users doesn't allow change of password. \\ If REST API is provided for this CLI,  this needs to be fixed. \\ GUI needs to be able to allow user to change password.
| ?? | Need to know if this realm supports user management. | amx:pp=/ext,type=realms |org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms |  method: \\ supportsUserManagement | maybe provide a CLI for this, and there there can be REST API for it.\\  eg.  isSupportUserManagement
| create-file-users\\ update-file-users\\ list-file-users\\ delete-file-users\\ list-file-groups\\ change-admin-password | For Users management. \\ Need to be able to update both the Group List and the password of any user. \\ Domain Page, Administration Password Tab \\ Need to display the group name. | amx:pp=/ext,type=realms | org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms |methods used: \\ getUsernames \\ removeUser\\ addUser\\ getGroupNames\\ updateUser |update-file-users doesn't allow change of password. \\ If REST API is provided for this CLI,  this needs to be fixed. \\ GUI needs to be able to allow user to change password.
| ?? | Need to know if this realm supports user management. | amx:pp=/ext,type=realms |org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms |  method: \\ supportsUserManagement | maybe provide a CLI for this, and there there can be REST API for it.\\  eg.  isSupportUserManagement
| ?? | Get the list of predefined auth Realm class | amx:pp=/ext,type=realms | org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.Realms | PredefinedAuthRealmClassNames  : attributes | maybe provide a CLI for this, and there there can be REST API for it.\\  eg. getPredefinedRealms
| | For user-friendliness UI in the JDBC and Connectors and other resources screens | amx:pp=/ext,type=connector-runtime-api-provider | org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.ConnectorRuntimeAPIProvider | attr: \\ DatabaseVendorNames \\ BuiltInCustomResources\\ SystemConnectorsAllowingPoolCreation\\ all methods:  \\ getConnectionDefinitionPropertiesAndDefaults \\ getConnectionDefinitions \\ getResourceAdapterConfigProps \\ getValidationTableNames \\ pingJDBCConnectionPool \\ flushConnectionPool \\ getJdbcDriverClassName \\getMCFConfigProps \\ getAdminObjectConfigProps \\ getAdminObjectInterfaceNames \\ getAdminObjectClassNames \\ |
| |Some duckType methods used for pages under Network Config | amx:pp=/domain/configs/config/server-config/network-config/network-listeners,type=network-listener,name=admin-listener | com.sun.grizzly.config.dom.NetworkListener | DuckTyped methods: \\ Protocol findHttpProtocol() \\ Note: \\This may be issue, but we need this that takes PortUnification into consideration.  \\Protocol findProtocol(); |
| |Update Center functions: \\ \\ We don't use AMX for this, but uses the JAVA API provided by \\groupid: com.sun.pkg \\ artifactid: pkg-client  \\ \\ Should we continue this practice ?  | | | | probably will be using the same approach as in v3.
| |Application Deployment and management. \\ We don't use AMX for deployment, enable/disable etc.  but depends on the deployment client: \\ groupid: org.glassfish.deployment \\ articfactid: deployment-client \\ Are we going to switch to REST for this ? \\ There are many functions depending on this, like getting the DD list,  the contents of the DD for display etc. | | | | Need to be resolved.

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
Only know how to do the conversion by hand, sorry.

To force a break, just type \\ between the rows.  See:

On 6/3/10 4:33 PM, Anissa Lam wrote:

I have an html doc, that i need to convert to a wiki page. Is there an
easy way to do the conversion ? This doc has a table of 6 columns with
over 20 rows.

Another question is : how do i force a line break inside a table cell ?
Information really cannot be read clearly without a line break.

If you are curious about my document, here is the link :
