Honestly, I think this is a low priority for this release.
If you haven't already, please file an enhancement request
in the GlassFish issue tracker.
This would be a lot easier to implement if we had symlink support
in the JDK.
Dies Koper wrote on 06/23/2010 06:40 PM:
> Hi,
> I haven't followed the latest developments but I was wondering what the
> latest status was on this.
> In March I suggested that application resources
> (domains/domain1/applications/*) could be shared between DAS and local
> cluster instances. The local cluster instances could just point to the
> DAS's applications folder.
> This has benefits such as reduction of synchronisation time for local
> cluster instances, reduction of disk space and just not having customer
> application resources spread out over the system.
> Has this been implemented, or is it still being planned?
> Thanks,
> Dies
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