Re: Admin istener for instances

From: Vijay Ramachandran <>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 22:09:08 -0700

> (Default Behavior) All the instances share a config element. Then
> multiple instances will have their configuration overridden by
> Property's that are placed in the server element of each instance.
> But -- you need to do things manually now -- just edit your domain's
> domain.xml for now. It would be great to find out if the port
> reassignments that V2 would do will also work in V3. Why don't you
> try that ? To see how this happens in V2 -- create a cluster, add 2
> instances, look in domain.xml at the server element of the second
> instance.

Thanks, Byron. After, adding those system properties, still the actual
values for the port don't seem to get set - the tokens
(${HTTP_LISTENER_PORT}) is what is returned. I guess that part is yet to
be done. I will continue to use hardcoded values for some more time.
