Admin istener for instances

From: Vijay Ramachandran <>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 15:46:20 -0700

For command replication in 3.1, we are planning to use the same CLI-DAS
communication mechanism for communicating between DAS-Instance(s) also.
For CLI-DAS communication, we have an admin adapter listening on admin
port (4848 by default) through which commands from CLI come into the DAS
for execution. For us to be able to use the same mechanism for
DAS-Instance communication, we will need the same admin adapter
listening in an admin port for each of the instances also.

Looks like in 2.X, there was no "admin listener" running on an admin
port. So, for 3.X, this has to be a new requirement which will require
new entry in domain.xml. When I looked at domain.xml to see which will
be the best place this information can be present, couple of other
things also caught my attention. I am probably missing/misunderstanding
something here. So here are a bunch of questions. Attached here is a
sample domain.xml which has a cluster with two instances.

1. In the domain.xml, the instances and cluster are pointing to the same
config element, and hence, to the same listeners - does this mean that
we are not going to support multiple instances on the same node ? I am
missing something here - can someone please enlighten me ?

2. Any objections if we add an additional network listener element to
the default-config for admin listener ?
