Re: asadmin start-domain doesn't

From: Paul Davies <Paul-Martin.Davies_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 09:10:12 -0800


Thanks for the suggestions.

For reasons that I do not understand, things that did not work
yesterday, work fine today. I have just started a domain with java -jar
glassfish.jar without any problems. I stopped the domain and then
started it with asadmin start-domain and again it started without problems.

It seems that the problem was caused because, for some reason, the
server could not write to the domain's config dir. Today it could. I
have no idea what happened to cause this problem in the first place, or
what changed overnight (apart from me getting a night's sleep!).

I think I'll let this sleeping dog lie unless I experience this problem
again, in which case I'll try to get to the root cause so that it could
be added to the documentation.


On 12/03/09 02:46, Byron Nevins wrote:
> The client, asadmin, starts a new process, namely a JVM running V3.
> Then asadmin hangs around and waits for a special file to get written
> by the server. That is the extent of the communications between
> client and server.
> You are having problems in the server itself. The file is not getting
> written. There are currently about 112 bazillion things that can go
> wrong. Unfortunately things that go wrong early will NOT be logged
> (this should be doc'd, btw).
> Do this:
> 1) start with "--verbose" --> you will see every bit of stdout and
> stderr, guaranteed.
> 2) look in server.log for clues on what happened - especially look at
> the JVM invocation command at the beginning.
> 3) If 1 and 2 don't help try starting with java -jar glassfish.jar
> Paul Davies wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to start a domain with the latest nightly build
>> (GlassFish v3.0-SNAPSHOT (build 74.1)) of GlassFish v3, but the
>> start-domain command hangs in a vain search for a nonexistent pid
>> file in the domain's config directory.
>> Anybody else experienced this phenomenon or know what's going on?
>> Also, should I file an issue?
>> Thanks!

Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.