Re: Review of create-threadpool, delete-threadpool, list-threadpools man pages

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:04:43 -0700

Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan wrote on 10/13/09 4:54 PM:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan wrote on 10/13/09 10:46 AM:
>>> Dixie,
>>> In create-threadpool command man page the option --workqueues (V2) has
>>> been changed to --max-queue-size in V3.
>>> Please change that to --workqueues.
>> I don't understand. Please change *what* to "--workqueues"?
> The create-threadpool command man page which was sent for review had the
> option --workqueues changed to --max-queue-size. So i requested Dixie to
> change that to --workqueues, because the command implementation has
> --workqueues as option name.
>> Why was the name of the option changed incompatibly between v2 and v3?
> The name of the option was not changed in the command implementation.
> There is no incompatibility issue with regards to command implementation
> between v2 and v3. All the options have the same name as in V2.

Ok, good, thanks! That wasn't clear from the previous messages...