Re: Review of create-threadpool, delete-threadpool, list-threadpools man pages

From: Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan <Nachiappan.Veerappan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 16:54:23 -0700

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan wrote on 10/13/09 10:46 AM:
>> Dixie,
>> In create-threadpool command man page the option --workqueues (V2) has
>> been changed to --max-queue-size in V3.
>> Please change that to --workqueues.
> I don't understand. Please change *what* to "--workqueues"?
The create-threadpool command man page which was sent for review had the
option --workqueues changed to --max-queue-size. So i requested Dixie to
change that to --workqueues, because the command implementation has
--workqueues as option name.
> Why was the name of the option changed incompatibly between v2 and v3?
The name of the option was not changed in the command implementation.
There is no incompatibility issue with regards to command implementation
between v2 and v3. All the options have the same name as in V2.
> Did you mean that you were going to change the code to rename the option
> to be compatible with v2?
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