Re: GlassFish v3 Preview - Admin Gui

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 08:51:39 -0500

Hi, Bram. Thanks for the feedback. As Anissa noted, we still have
the polish pending. If you could attach your CSS changes to issue
7370 (,
we'll take a look at them.


On Jul 21, 2009, at 2:54 PM, Bram Borggreve wrote:

> Hello GlassFish team,
> First of all I would to thank you for GlassFish, as a beginning Java
> EE developer it feels like a very solid application server, and I
> especially like v3 because it is so lightweight.
> One thing I noticed with the new GlassFish v3 Preview is that the
> praised Admin GUI has changed quite a bit, and in my opinion it's
> not an improvement.
> I attached the screenshots, you can clearly see that the Preview has
> way more padding around the main GUI elements (header, sidebar,
> body) and the fonts are bigger, so there is less information on the
> screen.
> To illustrate what I am talking about, i attached three images,
> gfv3-prelude.png - the interface we all came to love ;)
> gfv3-preview.png - the interface with too much padding (imho),
> gfv3-preview-fixed.png - the last interface, fixed with a few minor
> CSS tweaks.
> I think that the last option is the way to go, please consider
> fixing the V3 Preview GUI, if you where not already planning on
> doing so.
> The reason I'm emailing you is because I posted my displeasure on
> this blog [1] , there I got the advice of emailing you :)
> I'm looking forward to your reaction,
> Best wishes,
> Bram Borggreve
> ps. These screenshots are made on a Linux system with Firefox 3.5,
> but the problem is reproducable on more machines (including XP with
> IE8).
> [1]
> <gfv3-prelude.png><gfv3-preview.png><gfv3-preview-
> fixed
> .png
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         Jason Lee
Senior Java Developer
GlassFish Administration Console

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964