Re: Comments on grizzly config one pager

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:41:04 -0800


Seems more approachable now, thanks!

Too bad the javadoc can't be "live" instead of a jar-file attachment.
A wiki limitation I guess.

I notice one issue right away:
why not just a getter and setter? enableCometSupport();
mis-spelled: setEnableCommetSupport();
missing: getEnableCometSupport();

- for items like Forced response type, an example would be very
helpful over and above "Specified as a semi-colon delimited string
consisting of content-type, encoding, language, charset".
- PropertyBag exists in HK2 are we duplicating it intentionally for
grizzly so it can be standalone?


Lloyd Chambers
GlassFish team, LSARC member

On Jan 30, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Justin Lee wrote:

> I'm "done" with the updates, I think. I have the grizzly
> interfaces done and have attached the javadoc to the one pager. I
> left the DTDs linked in case anyone was overly attached to having
> them. I haven't modified the glassfish interfaces yet since the
> impact there is much wider but if anyone's interested, I can do
> that, too.
> Justin Lee wrote:
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Jason,
>>> Thanks...response inline.
>>> Lloyd
>>> On Jan 28, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Justin Lee wrote:
>>> There is no provision in V3 for a DTD as the source of the
>>> interfaces. Java interfaces are the source at this point, the
>>> @Configured interfaces. A DTD does not work for a pluggable
>>> system; it would have infinite variation, never a fixed thing.
>> I'm actually in the process of making sure the DTD(s) and the
>> interfaces are in sync and then I'll probably just remove the DTDs
>> for good measure and work from the interfaces. I'm debating
>> writing an hk2/maven mojo to generate a DTD/XSD for basic
>> validation (largely for my own benefit).
>>>> Yes, a skeleton http-service will be left in place though it was
>>>> recommended that it be renamed to web-container instead. I
>>>> haven't heard any pushback on that idea so I'll do that now.
>>> Messy, I'd push back personally.
>> We had debated removing it completely and migrating the remaining
>> elements elsewhere. I have no strong feelings either way.
>>> The whole thing is fine, but inserting it right into the middle of
>>> the spec is confusing, make it an appendix if you want to keep it.
>> I can move this out if you'd like. It's already in the grizzly
>> repo, so I can just link to it. That's how it was originally,
>> anyway.
>>> We will need a special maven build step to collect all the javadoc
>>> for all interfaces somehow. In the meantime a link from the spec
>>> would work.
>> This is why I'm thinking about that maven plugin, actually...
>>>>> llc09 -- AMX MBeans should be mentioned. Ideally the Java
>>>>> interfaces would be shown here.
>>>> the AMX MBeans pieces are still dark voodoo for me so if anyone
>>>> *really* wants to see those, I'll need some help with that.
>>>> There had been some talk about the AMX stuff being ... phased out
>>>> going forward. I'm not sure of the details or the resolution of
>>>> that one so if anyone knows something, I for one wouldn't mind an
>>>> update.
>>> Config MBeans are taken care of automatically by the AMX system,
>>> and AMX is moving to a generic system. AMX interfaces aren't
>>> actually required, but
>> Anyone have anything to add here?
>>> can be desirable for client convenience. At this point, a note
>>> about AMX should suffice. If AMX is being phased out, it's news to
>>> me!
>> It's all news to me at this point. :)
>> Thanks for the feedback, though. I'm trying to get it all together
>> for you to see as soon as possible.