Re: Comments on grizzly config one pager

From: Justin Lee <Justin.Lee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:41:34 -0500

Comments in line

Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> llc01 -- The spec is a little odd in that we have no DTD in V3, only
> generated XML based on java interfaces, and those java interfaces are
> nowhere to be found. Especially in a spec, this is a confusing way to
> put it without first stating that what is shown is to make the
> structure clear for discussion purposes, and not an actual DTD used by
> V3-there isn't one.
We've been using the DTD for historical purposes (I presume, I came late
to this effort). It would make sense, if we're truly ditching the
DTD/schema (which i'm not sure I agree with) to use javadoc instead.
It'd certainly make refactoring the locations of these elements easier.
I've been trying to keep the java code for the grizzly end in sync but
haven't done much for the glassfish end of things as it would mean
breaking my glassfish working area. I'm doing that now, though, since
we'll need it soon enough anyway.
> llc02 -- Is it true we're deprecating and leaving the old http-service
> stuff in place? I thought we would convert domain.xml. Supporting old
> or new structure is awkward in a number of ways. Just confirming here.
Yes, a skeleton http-service will be left in place though it was
recommended that it be renamed to web-container instead. I haven't
heard any pushback on that idea so I'll do that now.
> llc03 -- Exported interfaces: "Evolving" is no longer appropriate:
> Committed is what we should use. Also, the description says nothing
> about sub-elements, that should be clarified. And a DTD cannot be the
> interfaces as we don't have one! The interface is the Java interfaces.
I've changed that and am generating those interfaces now as I mentioned
> llc04 -- Exported interfaces: all properties (their names and legal
> values) are also interfaces, just as attributes are. Property names
> and legal values spelled out. I see that some properties from V2 are
> now first-class attributes, great!
> llc05 -- I think you should strip non-relevant stuff out of the sample
> domain.xml; it confuses the description with extraneous items. The
> "relevant changed portions" is all we need, but that should show all
> possible attributes and properties for completeness.
Bill wanted to see what things would look like under the new schema
hence the domain.xml so that the changes can be seen in context. As for
all possible values, etc, he wanted a minimal example so people wouldn't
have to sift through too much. So I'm not sure which to give other than
what we have there now.
> llc06 -- Please spell out what the legal values are (numbers, fixed
> values, etc), and this should be javadoc'd as well. Legal values are
> part of the interface, very important.
> llc07 -- Nit: I think "in" can safely by skipped eg
> "send-buffer-size-bytes" vs "send-buffer-size-in-bytes",
> "timeout-seconds" instead of "timeout-in-seconds", etc.
I'll update this when I sync up the java interfaces. With a DTD it's
easy enough to link to it from the one pager. How would you like to see
the javadoc published?
> llc08 -- Disposition? "this value currently gets pushed to a static
> method. shouldn't this belong on network-listeners instead"
I've updated this, too, to reflect that this value will not be global
anymore. Since it's no longer property driven, it's possible to set
targeted, specific values where needed.
> llc09 -- AMX MBeans should be mentioned. Ideally the Java interfaces
> would be shown here.
the AMX MBeans pieces are still dark voodoo for me so if anyone *really*
wants to see those, I'll need some help with that. There had been some
talk about the AMX stuff being ... phased out going forward. I'm not
sure of the details or the resolution of that one so if anyone knows
something, I for one wouldn't mind an update.
> Lloyd
> On Jan 23, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Justin Lee wrote:
>> And for reference, the one pager is here:
>> Justin Lee wrote:
>>> I've updated the xml examples on the one pager and they should now
>>> reflect the current thinking on the schema changes. If you see
>>> anything in the next 45 minutes that needs attention, please don't
>>> hesitate to say anything. :) Thanks.
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