llc01 -- The spec is a little odd in that we have no DTD in V3, only
generated XML based on java interfaces, and those java interfaces are
nowhere to be found. Especially in a spec, this is a confusing way to
put it without first stating that what is shown is to make the
structure clear for discussion purposes, and not an actual DTD used by
V3-there isn't one.
llc02 -- Is it true we're deprecating and leaving the old http-service
stuff in place? I thought we would convert domain.xml. Supporting old
or new structure is awkward in a number of ways. Just confirming here.
llc03 -- Exported interfaces: "Evolving" is no longer appropriate:
Committed is what we should use. Also, the description says nothing
about sub-elements, that should be clarified. And a DTD cannot be the
interfaces as we don't have one! The interface is the Java interfaces.
llc04 -- Exported interfaces: all properties (their names and legal
values) are also interfaces, just as attributes are. Property names
and legal values spelled out. I see that some properties from V2 are
now first-class attributes, great!
llc05 -- I think you should strip non-relevant stuff out of the sample
domain.xml; it confuses the description with extraneous items. The
"relevant changed portions" is all we need, but that should show all
possible attributes and properties for completeness.
llc06 -- Please spell out what the legal values are (numbers, fixed
values, etc), and this should be javadoc'd as well. Legal values are
part of the interface, very important.
llc07 -- Nit: I think "in" can safely by skipped eg "send-buffer-size-
bytes" vs "send-buffer-size-in-bytes", "timeout-seconds" instead of
"timeout-in-seconds", etc.
llc08 -- Disposition? "this value currently gets pushed to a static
method. shouldn't this belong on network-listeners instead"
llc09 -- AMX MBeans should be mentioned. Ideally the Java interfaces
would be shown here.
On Jan 23, 2009, at 8:18 AM, Justin Lee wrote:
> And for reference, the one pager is here:
> Justin Lee wrote:
>> I've updated the xml examples on the one pager and they should now
>> reflect the current thinking on the schema changes. If you see
>> anything in the next 45 minutes that needs attention, please don't
>> hesitate to say anything. :) Thanks.
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