Re: how to document properties for _at_Configured items (PROPOSAL)

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 18:16:23 -0700

Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> Kedar,
> Yes, it makes sense *if* we want DuckTyped methods, rather than
> repeating 4 times. If not, no need.

OK. Not a big deal either way.

> Now as far as annotating on the List declation, the only regrettable
> thing is that interfaces extending PropertyBag have to redundantly
> declare the getProperty() method already declared in PropertyBag. This
> is one reason I did the annotation on the class.

I am ok with annotating the class, although it makes it look rather
over-decorated. I guess there is no choice.


> @Element("property")
> List<Property> getProperty();
> Since there can be only one List of properties, perhaps it's not so bad
> to annotate the class so as to not have to redeclared this method?
> Lloyd
> On Oct 20, 2008, at 5:34 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>> Property is more ubiquitous than SystemProperty.
>> AFAIK, SystemProperty exists at Domain, Cluster, Config and Server
>> alone. Do you think it makes any good having a separate Bag of
>> SystemProperties for these 4?
>> Thanks,
>> Kedar
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Jerome et al,
>>> One question that arises: since we have Property and PropertyBag,
>>> should there by SystemProperty (exists) and SystemPropertyBag
>>> (doesn't yet exist)?
>>> Lloyd
>>> On Oct 20, 2008, at 10:07 AM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>> Thanks Jerome. Comments inline.
>>>> On Oct 17, 2008, at 9:58 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>>>>> I like it, some remarks :
>>>>> 1. why is the annotation placed at the class level, shouldn't the
>>>>> field List<Property> be annotated instead
>>>> Good idea. I can't think of any reason not to do this, except that
>>>> it could annotate the wrong method I suppose.
>>>>> 2. doing field annotation would remove the need to
>>>>> SystemPropertiesDesc since you would just annotate List<Property>
>>>>> systemProperties
>>>> Yes, this is true. We would need to then make an explicit
>>>> assumption about the name of the method in order to find and
>>>> distinguish the annotations.
>>>>> 3. for description(), I would encourage for some i18n where instead
>>>>> of an english description, we could reference a
>>>>> element. This would allow us to generate
>>>>> localized @Configured documentation.
>>>> It's essentially javadoc-equivalent I was thinking, which is all
>>>> English at present. But if we think it's something we would expose
>>>> via the GUI (for example), then it could be I18N. Perhaps it can be
>>>> both, description() and descriptionKey().
>>>>> 4. is this a pure documentation play or should we push runtime
>>>>> enforcement ?
>>>> I think at the very least that it would be very helpful to customers
>>>> to see warning messages in the log file if unknown properties were
>>>> added, for example a mis-spelled one. This is much better than
>>>> something mysteriously not working. The warning could emit a list
>>>> of all legal properties, which could be very helpful.
>>>> And perhaps an enforce() flag could be added, so that a module
>>>> implementor could choose to enforce rejection of unknown properties.
>>>>> 5. I would question the "required()" boolean, I think AFAIK, there
>>>>> are no required properties and if there are, maybe we should move
>>>>> them to real attribute or element.
>>>> OK, I wasn't sure on this. I think there might be one or two cases
>>>> that require a property, I forget which ones.
>>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>> Team,
>>>>>> I just finished going through "Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3
>>>>>> Prelude Administration Reference". It took a lot of "eyeball
>>>>>> work" going through every page, and each and every interface--this
>>>>>> is error prone and hard to maintain.
>>>>>> Many properties and system properties are documented in the
>>>>>> reference, yet none of them are documented in the @Configured
>>>>>> interfaces--at all. This stands in stark contrast to attributes
>>>>>> and elements, which are naturally javadoc'd.
>>>>>> Several other issues come to mind for properties (eg <property>
>>>>>> and <system-property>):
>>>>>> - no formal mechanism to document the legal properties (except
>>>>>> free-form javadoc comments, none there as yet);
>>>>>> - impossible to validate property names or values;
>>>>>> - cannot warn the user if an unknown or mis-spelled property is
>>>>>> being used (eg "readerThreads" instead of "reader-threads");
>>>>>> - documentation for public API is not possible; there is nothing
>>>>>> to generate it from;
>>>>>> - no way for dependent interfaces (eg AMX) to validate or provide
>>>>>> metadata.
>>>>>> --- PROPOSAL ---
>>>>>> 1) Add annotations to describe the legal properties and system
>>>>>> properties;
>>>>>> 2) Add these annotations on all the @Configured interfaces which
>>>>>> have properties;
>>>>>> 3) Encourage developers to maintain the annotations.
>>>>>> Below is an example of how this would work for @Configured
>>>>>> HttpListener. One alternative would be to define a "sidecar" class
>>>>>> that has "public static final String" variables for each property,
>>>>>> and annotate each of those individually.
>>>>>> Note that because there cannot be more than one annotation of a
>>>>>> given type, a grouping annotation is used to allow annotations for
>>>>>> every property. See annotation classes further below.
>>>>>> @PropertiesDesc({
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="recycle-objects", defaultValue="true",
>>>>>> dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="reader-threads", defaultValue="0",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="acceptor-queue-length", defaultValue="4096",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="reader-queue-length", defaultValue="4096",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="use-nio-direct-bytebuffer",
>>>>>> defaultValue="false", dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="authPassthroughEnabled",
>>>>>> defaultValue="false", dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="proxyHandler",
>>>>>> defaultValue="com.sun.enterprise.web.ProxyHandlerImpl"),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="proxiedProtocol", values={"ws/tcp", "http",
>>>>>> "https", "tls"}),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="bufferSize", defaultValue="4096",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="connectionTimeout", defaultValue="30",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="maxKeepAliveRequests", defaultValue="250",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="traceEnabled", defaultValue="true",
>>>>>> dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="cometSupport", defaultValue="false",
>>>>>> dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="jkEnabled", defaultValue="false",
>>>>>> dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="compression", defaultValue="off",
>>>>>> values={"off","on","force"}),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="compressableMimeType",
>>>>>> defaultValue="text/html, text/xml, text/plain"),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="noCompressionUserAgents", defaultValue=""),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="compressionSize",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="minCompressionSize",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="crlFile"),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="trustAlgorithm", values="PKIX"),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="trustMaxCertLength", defaultValue="5",
>>>>>> dataType=Integer.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="disableUploadTimeout", defaultValue="true",
>>>>>> dataType=Boolean.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="connectionUploadTimeout", defaultValue="5",
>>>>>> dataType=NonNegativeInteger.class),
>>>>>> @PropertyDesc(name="uriEncoding", defaultValue="UTF-8",
>>>>>> values={"UTF-8"})
>>>>>> })
>>>>>> @AMXConfigInfo(
>>>>>> amxInterfaceName="")
>>>>>> @Configured
>>>>>> public interface HttpListener extends ConfigBeanProxy, Injectable,
>>>>>> PropertyBag {
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>> * Describes properties or system properties that might exist as
>>>>>> sub-elements.
>>>>>> */
>>>>>> @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>> @Target({TYPE})
>>>>>> public @interface PropertyDesc {
>>>>>> /** name of the property */
>>>>>> String name();
>>>>>> /** default value of the property */
>>>>>> String defaultValue() default "\u0000";
>>>>>> /** freeform description */
>>>>>> String description() default "\u0000";
>>>>>> /** Indicates that this property is required (rare) */
>>>>>> boolean required() default false;
>>>>>> /** the DataType class, can be Class<? extends {_at_link DataType}>
>>>>>> or String.class */
>>>>>> Class dataType() default String.class;
>>>>>> /** Possible values, might not be a complete list and/or there
>>>>>> could be other alternatives
>>>>>> such as specific numbers, variables, etc.
>>>>>> */
>>>>>> String[] values();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>> * Annotation that holds an array of {_at_link PropertyDesc} for
>>>>>> system properties eg {_at_link SystemProperty}.
>>>>>> * Needed because it's not otherwise possible to have more than one
>>>>>> annotation of the same type.
>>>>>> */
>>>>>> @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>> @Target({TYPE,METHOD})
>>>>>> public @interface SystemPropertiesDesc {
>>>>>> /** name of the property */
>>>>>> PropertyDesc[] value();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>> * Annotation that holds an array of {_at_link PropertyDesc} for
>>>>>> properties eg {_at_link Property}.
>>>>>> * Needed because it's not otherwise possible to have more than one
>>>>>> annotation of the same type.
>>>>>> */
>>>>>> @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>> @Target({TYPE,METHOD})
>>>>>> public @interface PropertiesDesc {
>>>>>> /** name of the property */
>>>>>> PropertyDesc[] value();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ..............................................
>>>>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>>>>> GlassFish team, LSARC member
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