Attached for review is the generate-jvm-report(1) man page, which I have
updated as follows:
* Fixed Issue 5162
* Added information about --type=log as introduced by Issue 5803
* In the Synopsis section, moved the [/target/] operand to after
--type and formatted it to indicate that it is a placeholder
Please also review the Description section, as some things there seem
incongruous to me:
* "Domain Administration Service" looks like it should be "Domain
Administration Server".
* The sentence: "This command replaces the traditional techniques
like sending ctrl+break or kill -3 signals to application
server processes." seems unrelated to the purpose of this command.
* The sentence "The command will not work if the target server
instance is not running." sounds like it should be supplemented or
maybe even replaced by the statement:"This command is supported in
remote mode only.
Please give me your feedback by end of day on Thursday.
Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.