Re: side effect of not specifying default attribute in domain.xml

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:25:42 -0700

IMO, defaults that change if they are not "written down" by having the
*existing* value are definitely an incompatibility in general.
On Sep 23, 2008, at 3:13 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

>>>>> default value.
>>>> the main problem with writing out the default value in the
>>>> domain.xml is that if we decide that the default value should be
>>>> changed between releases *and* we are dealing with an upgrade
>>>> scenario then the user would retain the previous default value
>>>> which was clearly not his intent.
>>> That's right, but don't you think that a change in default value
>>> is a source
>>> of incompatibility?
>> why would it be ?
>> default values are meant to be an optimal default settings like how
>> many threads should grizzly be configured when adding a new port.
>> We should be able to change that value without introducing
>> incompatibilities.
> Say I do:
> asadmin get "...http-listener1.enabled" and I get back "true". Is it
> ok if next version returns the same value as "false"?
> I am not sure.