Re: ******* IMPORTANT ******* Re: Admin iTeam meeting agenda for 14jul08

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 11:09:31 -0700

Kedar's spec is now checked into cvs; I keep a "v3-docs" dir on my
machine; 'www/v3/admin/planning' is the checkout-out hierarchy.


prelude.html,v <-- admin-infra-prelude.html

To check out:
cvs -d co www/v3

... Now I have to find out how can make expose
www/v3 as an accessible URL.

Lloyd Chambers
GlassFish team, admin

On Jul 13, 2008, at 5:36 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> I have finally been able to post a "ready for review" draft of the
> functional
> specification to the GlassFish Wiki.
> In my view, it is more or less complete description of what we have
> to do
> for GlassFish Prelude. Of course, there will be adjustments based on
> what we
> "can" possibly do. That's what review is for.
> The arch review of this spec is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16 at
> 11.00
> a.m. Pacific. There are two things remaining from the spec but I am
> sure
> the review can progress before they are "complete". They are:
> 1- accurate list of asadmin commands. This seeds test specification,
> documentation and all other teams. It's a must that we agree on
> these.
> 2- association of tasks and owners. This is an activity I'll do in
> conjunction with Nazrul and others.
> Here is the document which tomorrow's discussion revolves around:
> There are some surprises in the spec and I am sure there is lot to
> discuss.
> I expect many of us to be available tomorrow morning at 10.00 a.m.
> Pacific
> for the discussion.
> Regards,
> Kedar
> Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Following agenda for next admin iTeam meeting includes discussion
>> on admin strategy for JMX and Security. Pl. come preperaed to
>> discuss.
>> thanks
>> sreeni
>> Agenda for 14jul2008
>> 1. Review of action items
>> 2. V3 Prelude deliverables - Milestone 1 (14jul08), SCF (04aug08)
>> 3. Discussion on overall admin strategy for JMX, security
>> 4. Update by QA, Documentation and Development Teams
>> 5. Customer Interaction, Arch. update if any
>> 6. Open Mic.
>> Meeting Details:
>> Mondays 10-11 AM Pacific
>> (866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
>> (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
>> Access Code: 3535518#
>> Email aliases:
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