Re: How to make an Update Center module

From: Rajeshwar V Patil <Rajeshwar.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 12:10:27 -0700

> On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
> wrote:
> > See if any of these help you:
> >
> >
> >
> Thanks for the pointer.
> From what I've gathered in looking at the modules for jMaki, Jersey, and
> Spring, the module can simply be a jar/nbm/zip that is extracted in the
> install root of the server that creates a product directory (i.e.,
> $INSTALL_ROOT/spring_framework) and/or places jars in the server's lib
> dir
> (e.g., $INSTALL_ROOT/lib/spring.jar).

Yes, you are right. These modules are of type ARCHIVE. Scales module can be of this type if it suffices the need.

> The file info.xml seems to be
> optional, though the Jersey module seems to offer a pretty good
> example of
> what might go in that file.
> Am I off base in my assessment thus far?
I guess not. Currently, content of info.xml is not used by Update Center and as such optional.

> > In any case, drop us an email ( when you have made
> > progress on the update center module for scales.
> >
> Will do. If my understanding above is correct, it will just be a
> matter of
> how long it takes me to write the Ant target,
Yes, if you plan to do this way.

>then comes the question
> of
> publishing the module.

You may also need to get the legal clearance to host this module to UC repository. I will get back to you on this later with more details. Once your module is ready, you need to send us the following- Module, Licence txt and description pages.



> --
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team