Re: Appointment: 14apr08, 10 AM Pacific -- Admin Iteam Meeting ...

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:08:14 -0700


Can you put prominent statement in there saying to the effect that the
command is temporry for TP2 and that multimode will be run in future
releases when asadmin is called with no args?

Jane Young wrote:
> Is it possible to also add that multimode command is not available for
> this release (TP2)?
> Byron Nevins wrote:
>> Output when DAS is reachable:
>> C:\gf\v3\admin\cli>asadmin
>> *****************************************************************
>> **** ****
>> **** Welcome to GlassFish v3 - Technology Preview 2 ****
>> **** ****
>> *****************************************************************
>> To start the server, do one of the following:
>> * From the <as-install>/bin directory, run the startserv command.
>> * Type this command:
>> asadmin start-domain
>> To get help for the asadmin utility, type this command:
>> asadmin help
>> To get help for a specific asadmin command, type this command:
>> asadmin <command> --help
>> The following commands are available:
>> ********** Local Commands **********
>> backup-domain
>> create-domain
>> delete-domain
>> introduction
>> list-commands
>> list-domains
>> restore-domain
>> start-database
>> start-domain
>> stop-database
>> stop-domain
>> ********** Remote Commands **********
>> add-resources deploydir
>> create-auth-realm disable
>> create-file-user enable
>> create-http-listener list-applications
>> create-jdbc-connection-pool list-auth-realms
>> create-jdbc-resource list-commands
>> create-jvm-options list-components
>> create-profiler list-containers
>> create-resource-ref list-file-users
>> create-ssl list-http-listeners
>> create-system-properties list-jdbc-connection-pools
>> create-virtual-server list-jdbc-resources
>> delete-auth-realm list-jvm-options
>> delete-file-user list-modules
>> delete-http-listener list-resource-refs
>> delete-jdbc-connection-pool list-system-properties
>> delete-jdbc-resource list-virtual-servers
>> delete-jvm-options ping-connection-pool
>> delete-profiler redeploy
>> delete-resource-ref stop-domain
>> delete-ssl undeploy
>> delete-system-property update-file-user
>> delete-virtual-server version
>> deploy
>> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>> We'll have our regular i-team meeting this
>>> morning at 10.00 AM.
>>> Agenda:
>>> - Few announcements (Kedar - 10 minutes)
>>> - Doc update (Paul - 10 minutes)
>>> - QA update (Sankar - 10 minutes)
>>> - Bug discussion (All - 10 minutes)
>>> -- We should finalize the bugs that we have to,
>>> have to, fix. We should not fix any bugs that
>>> may result in instability. Fixing bugs for
>>> TP-2 after tonight is extremely hard, anyway.
>>> - Open MIC.
>>> Dial-in:
>>> 866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
>>> (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
>>> Access Code: 3535518#
>>> Regards,
>>> Kedar
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> For additional commands, e-mail:

Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.